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Using The Title Attribute

The TITLE attribute for any page element, but it isn't required for any page element. Use it to describe links, tables, individual table rows, and other structural HTML elements. They're more versatile than the ALT attribute and many search engine ranking algorithms read the text in TITLE attributes as regular page content.

<table width="100" border="2" title="Henry Jacobs Camp summer 2003 schedule">

<a href="page1.html" title="HS Jacobs - a UAHC camp in Utica, MS">Henry S. Jacobs Camp</a>>

<form name="application" title="Henry Jacobs camper application" method="  " action="  ">

Note that in each example, we used either the ALT or TITLE attribute to provide more information about the page element.The TITLE information in the table, link, and form describe the purpose of the element while using targeted keywords like UAHC camp and Henry Jacobs Camp.