Annual Report 2015

Program Goal Area: Climate Change

Gorres, Josef   Northeast Pasture Consortium
  • Returning cattle to pasture has environmental/economic benefits, however, soild compaction and soil wetness affects productivity. I investigated small scale variations in elevation as a source of soil wetness and a subsequent cause of fertility loss.

    Harris, Jeanne   Characterization of the effect of salt stress on nodulation.

  • The process of nodulation is an agriculturally important interaction, because not only are legumes productive without added nitrogen fertilizer, but they can also improve the nitrogen nutrition of plants grown nearby. Increased temperature, due to changes in overall climate, is leading to periodic drought stress, which results in the accumulation of salts in the soil as water evaporates.

    Barrington, David   Genetic variation in relation to ecogeographic distribution in the fiddlehead fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris, Onocleaceae)

  • To further improve our knowledge of genetic variation in the fiddlehead fern, a Vermont non-timber forest product, for relating product quality to source in the landscape and assessing susceptibility to harvesting impact

    Beckage, Brian   Projecting climate change impacts on Vermont forests using dynamic vegetation models

  • We have projected that the climate of New England will continue to warm rapidly over the current century. Forests will respond to climate change with a general shift to higher elevations and more northerly latitudes. The NE region will become increasingly dominated by more southerly forest species. Research uses global vegetation models to project the responses of forests across NE to regional climate change

    Farley, Joshua   Assessing the Potential for Carbon Neutral Food Systems for Chittenden County, Vermont

  • This project assesses the potential for reducing the carbon footprint of Chittenden county's food systems by 80%, a level compatible with the stabilization of atmospheric carbon stocks.

    Gorres, Josef   Collaborate with the University of Vermont to Establish Accurate K Factors for High Clay Content Soils, Specifically the Vergennes Soil Series and Similar Soils

  • The project is estimating an erosion factor for an important agricultural soil. This factor is used in the design of erosion control measures. Soil erosion reduces soil fertility, can result in water pollution, and threatens sustainable agriculture

    Hurley, Stephanie   Climate Change Best Management Practices on Vermont Farms

  • Our research lab evaluated the potential leaching of nutrients from a variety of composts under a range of saturated conditions.

    Hurley, Stephanie   Implementing Low Impact Development in Waitsfield, Vermont

  • We designed and constructed a bioretention raingarden in Waitsfield, Vermont. This system uses soil and vegetation to retain and filter polluted runoff from the parking lot.

    Hurley, Stephanie   An Evaluation of Potential Nutrient Leaching From Six Types of Compost

  • Our research lab evaluated the potential leaching of nutrients from a variety of composts under a range of saturated conditions.

    Keller, Stephen   LTREB: Impacts of Polyandry Over the Lifetime of a Social Mammal

  • This project seeks to determine how mating behaviors in social mammals affect the viability and vigor of their offspring, using prairie dogs as a model social mammal. My specific role pertains to the analysis of genetic data for the determination of paternity and relatedness among prairie dog mates and their offspring. An additional role is the analysis of DNA sequence at the mammalian major histo-compatibility (MHC) II gene, to test how mate selection may reflect immune system recognition.

    Keller, Stephen   Combining Genomics, Remote Sensing, and Geospatial Modeling to Understand Adaptation to Growing Season Length in Balsam Poplar

  • We are researching the genetic basis of how forest trees adapt to climate change, using tools form molecular biology combined with field experiments.

    McKay, Stephanie   National Animal Genome Research Program

  • We are generating a comprehensive survey of the methylation in the bovine brain. This research will enhance our knowledge of the effects of environmental and genetic influences on economically important traits in cattle.

    Mendez, Ernesto   Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in the Lake Champlain Basin (LCB) of Vermont

  • In partnership with farmers, we identified best on-farm strategies related to climate change mitigation and adaptation for the Vermont Landscape, and evaluated the impact of these strategies on the economic health of farms, their environmental impacts, and their contribution to resilience in the face of extreme weather events. Our work also involved and informed state and federal level policy makers.

    Mendez, Ernesto   On-Farm Best Management Practices and Service-Provider Professional Development Pilot program for Vermont Agricultural Service Providers

  • to increase knowledge of agricultural Climate Change Best Management Practices (CCBMPs) to boost adoption of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.

    Mendez, Ernesto   University of Vermont Collaboration with the USDA Northeast Climate Hub

  • Partnering with the USDA NE Regional Climate Hub and peer land-grant universities to mutually develop and deliver science-based, region-specific information and technologies to agricultural and natural resource managers that enables climate-smart decision-making.

    Mendez, Ernesto   Confronting the Thin Months: Participatory Learning on Best Practices and Impacts of the GMCR Food Security Program

  • Conduct a comparative study between food security and livelihood projects in Southern Mexico and Nicaragua, measuring impact on households and assessing relative advantages of program delivery models (direct to cooperative v. through non-profit partner).

    Molofsky, Jane   Eco-Evolutionary Feedbacks and the invasive success of introduced Phalaris arundinacea Genetic changes post introduction in the grass Phalaris arundinacea affect the growth rate and lead to invasion of the grass in Vermont wetlands. Resource managers and farmers will use this information to halt invasions Molofsky, Jane   Understanding the Role of Population Genetic Structure and Population Dynamics in the Invasion of Knapweeds

  • We will determine the invasive potential of three species of weeds from the Centaurea sp complex and determine if hybridization between already introduced weedy European species is contributing to increased invasiveness.

    Neher, Deborah   Plant Toxicity Tests

  • identify alternative uses of anaerobic digester products in response to the diversion of organic wastes from landfills.

    Neher, Deborah   Plant-Parasitic Nematode Management as a Component of Sustainable Soil Health Programs in Horticultural and Field Crop Production Systems

  • gain an understanding of the biological diversity associated with improved soil quality and function

    Perry, Leonard   Herbaceous Perennial Hardiness and Adaptability to a Changing Climate

  • Herbaceous perennials are being studies for their hardiness and regrowth--valuable to both home gardeners and growers-in response to extreme winter soil temperatures and mid-winter warming, conditions plants experience in cold climates

    Perry, Leonard   Optimizing the Ecological Value of Ornamental Perennials: An Evaluation of Nectar and Pollen Production in Open-Pollinated Native Flowers versus Native Cultivars

  • A controlled field study was used to determine if cultivars of native flowering plants (also known as “nativars”) are as attractive to beneficial insect pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, as straight species or “true natives”.

    Preston, Jill   Evolution of a cold season adaptation in the temperate grass subfaily Pooideae

  • Determine the number of origins, evolutionary lability, and genetic basis of chilling-induced flowering in a clade of grasses common to temperate climates (e.g. Vermont) in order to predict the ability of species to respond to climate change

    Ross, Donald   Multistate Research Coordination Northeastern Region

  • Our understanding of organic phosphorus in soils is limited. Soils from different land uses and adjacent streambanks are being sampled and tested. Results will characterize soil organic phosphorus and its bioavailability to algae if eroded.