Collaborative NSF Project Funded

The award, from the National Science Foundation, will enable continued collaboration between the Ruggiero Group at the University of Vermont,…


Ruggiero Awarded CAREER Grant!

Mike and the team have been awarded a $600,000 National Science Foundation CAREER award to study the role of low-frequency…


Team Awarded NSF Grant!

Mike, in collaboration with UVM Professors Madalina Furis (Physics), Linda Schadler (Dean, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences), and Appala Raju Badireddy…


Song attends GRC

Song attended the GRC conference: Preclinical Form and Formulation for Drug Discovery, which took place June 09, 2019 – June 14, 2019 in Waterville Valley, NH. She presented her poster…Continue Reading →

Emily visits McGill

In January 2020, Emily visited McGill University to learn about THz generation and detection. She worked with Prof. David Cooke…


Peter Visits Grenoble

In September 2019, Peter met with a collaborator, Gabriele D’avino of the theory of condensed matter team of the CNRS…


Peter Presented at IRMMW-THz

In September 2019, Peter attended the 44th IRMMW-THz meeting in Paris, presenting a talk titled “Identification and Characterization of ‘Killer-Modes’ in Organic Semiconductors with Terahertz Spectroscopy and Solid-State Density Functional…Continue Reading →