About BCOR 1450 OL1
An evolutionary perspective to exploring biology. Topics include: patterns of inheritance, Darwinian evolution, evolution of biodiversity, ecology of organisms, human effects on biological systems. Credit not awarded for both BCOR 1450 and BIOL 1450.
Asynchronous lecture with asynchronous lab. For majors: BIOL, BICM, BISC, ASCI, ENSC, MGEN, MICR, NEUR, PBIO, ZOOL. and Post Bac Pre Med students
Section Description
BCOR1450 is the second introductory biology course for life science majors, focusing on ecology, evolution, and biological diversity. The course begins by exploring the mechanisms of Mendelian genetics and Darwinian evolution, providing a foundation for understanding how genetic diversity arises. We will examine the history and diversity of life, with a focus on the origin and evolution of species. Students will explore ecological relationships among organisms, including population dynamics, community interactions, and ecosystem functions. The course culminates with an exploration of conservation biology and global environmental challenges, highlighting the critical importance of preserving biodiversity in the face of global change. By the end of the course, you will gain a thorough understanding of the mechanisms that drive evolution, shape biodiversity, and influence ecological systems. Course Goals and Objectives: 1. Explain biological processes using appropriate terminology. 2. Apply mathematical models to analyze inheritance patterns and population growth. 3. Identify hierarchical relationships in living systems. 4. Execute the scientific method, converting data into summary figures and using patterns to support conclusions.
Section Expectation
This course consists of weekly lectures, exams, and labs. Students should expect to spend several hours per week on coursework, including reading, homework assignments, and exam preparation. Homework will be completed through Pearson’s Mastering Biology platform, and weekly discussions will be conducted via Brightspace. The course is divided into four modules, each ending with an exam. We will use the same textbook as BCOR 1400, providing continuity with previous coursework. Active participation in labs and discussions is essential for success. The course culminates with a focus on conservation biology and global environmental challenges.
Grades will be based on exams, homework, participation in discussions, and laboratory assignments. Active participation is crucial, and the laboratory component counts for about a quarter of the total points. Both the lecture and lab components must be passed to pass the course.
Important Dates
Note: These dates may change before registration begins.
Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.
Courses may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Show your interest by enrolling.
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Interest Form
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