About BCOR 1400 OL1

Exploring biology from cells to organisms. Topics include origins of life, ancestral organisms, uni- and multi- cellular energetics, evolution of respiration and metabolism, and the genetic code. Credit not awarded for both BCOR 1400 and BIOL 1400 or BCOR 1425.


Asynchronous lecture with asynchronous lab. For majors: BIOL, BISC, ASCI, ENSC, BICM, PBIO, MGEN, MICR, NEUR, ZOOL. and Post Bac Pre Med students

Section Description

BCOR1400, Exploring Biology, is an introductory biology course designed for life science majors. The course focuses on cell biology, genetics, and physiology, covering fundamental topics such as biochemistry, cell structure, photosynthesis, respiration, DNA structure and function, plant physiology, and animal physiology. We begin by exploring scientific analysis to build skills for interpreting and critiquing experiments, then delve into the molecular and structural functions of cells. Key questions include how cells use and store energy, how they execute genetic instructions, and how these instructions are replicated during cell division. Upon completion, you will understand the interconnectedness of biological systems, from molecules to organ systems. Course Goals and Objectives: 1. Apply knowledge of the scientific process to construct hypotheses, make predictions, and critique experiments. 2. Explain cell functions, processes, and the molecules required for these functions. 3. Critically analyze biological processes and structures, applying this knowledge to real-world scenarios. 4. Identify and explain the relationships within biological systems, from molecules to organ systems.

Section Expectation

This course combines virtual lectures with virtual laboratory exercises, allowing you to apply concepts learned in the lectures. Virtual labs are held twice a week, and students should expect to spend several hours per week on coursework, including reading, homework assignments, and exam preparation. Homework is completed via Pearson’s Mastering Biology, and you’ll engage in discussions through Brightspace. The course is divided into four modules, each with a module exam, and students should aim to accumulate points through participation and assignments. The virtual laboratory component counts for about a quarter of the total points, and both the virtual lecture and lab components must be passed to pass the course.


Your grade will be based on module exams, homework assignments, discussion board participation, and laboratory assignments. Exams will be administered online via Brightspace, with a 90-minute time limit. Participation and weekly discussion posts will be graded based on a rubric.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Courses may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Show your interest by enrolling.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


Interest Form

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