Eddie the Cat

Eddie, who occasionally goes by “Ed,” “Prince,” or “Sweet Angel Prince,” is a curious and communicative cat. He likes to engage in back-and-forth conversation with his humans. If he’s not chatting, sleeping, stealing food from the counters, or watching the windows, you might find him singing by himself in the kitchen. What does he need? He doesn’t even know.

Likes: food, napping, scritches, spooning, bird-watching, lasers, peek-a-boo, belly rubs (sometimes)
Dislikes: the garage door, closed doors, surprises
Tricks & Commands: “Sit”  “Spin”  “Paw”  “No!”

Ed is a long boy, measuring about 20” tall and weighing 16.5 pounds. He likes to stretch. The only time that he is not meowing, singing, or chirping, is when he is held in our arms like a baby - then he purrs. We think he’s super weird (pretty sure he thinks we’re strange too) and we love him.

- Patrick O. Maguire, Assistant Director of Campus & Constituent Programs, UVM Foundation

Eddie the Cat
