Dr. Brendan Fisher is an Associate Professor at the University of Vermont. His research and fieldwork lie at the nexus of conservation, development, natural resource economics and human behavior. He is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed articles on topics such as poverty, health, ecosystem services and biological conservation, and the author with colleagues of two books, Valuing Ecosystem Services (Earthscan, London, 2008) and A Field Guide to Economics for Conservationists (Roberts and Company, 2015). Brendan teaches courses on sustainability science, behavioral economics, environmental/ecological economics and ecosystem management.
His field research has been undertaken in Borneo, Cambodia, Mozambique, and Tanzania. He was recently a Rockefeller Bellagio Fellow working on relationships between the ecological conditions of coastal regions, gender inequality and childhood health. When he’s not working he spends most of his time enjoying the Vermont outdoors with his wife and three children.