Ed.D, Assistant Dean for Student Services and Staff Development
My home and place are on unceded Yokuts land (Fresno, CA) where my Filipino family tenderly remind me, “No one goes until we all go”; and on Wabanaki land (Essex and Craftsbury, VT) where my chosen family live, and where the seasonal changes are good for my soul. I am passionate about inviting all folks to fall in love with nature through cross-country skiing, water time, learning wild edibles, and other adventures, but most importantly being in right relationship with our human and more-than-human kin. One or my core questions is: “How do I meet this moment with courage, vulnerability, and creativity?”
My academic interests include exploring radically inclusive education and honoring multiple ways of knowing, and my methods are rooted in a recognition that our collective futures are intimately connected. I serve as Assistant Dean for Student Services and Staff Development and as faculty in the Leadership for Sustainability Graduate program both at the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont. It is my privilege to work with people across diverse places toward building communities where all beings may thrive. I have a BA degree in English and Psychology, an Ed.M. in Counseling and Higher Education Administration, and an Ed.D in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.