
Here are links to local daily weather services, online weather services and historical weather data. If you are unable to locate your data of interest, click here to submit a data request. At the bottom of the page is a form to enter any weather events that happen in your area of the state to add to the monthly weather summaries.

Daily Forecasts

National Weather Service/Burlington, Vermont

National Weather Service/Albany, New York

VT Forecast & Daily Summary from IWIN/National Weather Service

National Weather Service - Three-day city forecasts

Lake Champlain & Colchester Reef data/National Weather Service

National Weather Service KCXX radar Burlington, Vermont

NOAA Cooperative Institute for Regional Prediction - current precipitation summary

NOAA Cooperative Institute for Regional Prediction - current Vermont weather data

Weather data for the current & last month & year in Vermont/National Weather Service

Regional Climate Center ACIS maps - preliminary data used

National Weather Service - Vermont river stages

USGS WaterWatch

USGS WaterAlert

VTrans Road Weather Conditions (webcams)

Air trajectory and ozone forecasts for the northeast U.S. [internal page not yet built]

Environmental Protection Agency - New England region

Long-Term/Historical Data

The following are free links that include reputable Vermont and national weather and climate information. Most of the links are goverment websites and are listed respectively according to publishing agency.

National Center for Environmental Information (formerly NCDC)

Vermont station metadata (length of record, elevation)

Locating a station & metadata

Gateway to free climate data

Heating and Cooling Degree Data

Precipitation Extremes and Record Events

Statewide/regional soil moisture status

Climate normals

Climatography of the US

Miscellaneous documents including historical data sets

Climate at a Glance

Climate Monitoring

New extreme temperature & precipitation records

National Oceanic and Athmospheric Administration

Cooperative Observer Program Information

Daily Hydrologic Observations for Northern New York and Vermont

Northeast River Forecast Center: Current Water Forecasts and Information

NOAA Central Library - U.S. Daily Weather Maps

National Centers for Environmental Prediction: All Current Forecasts, Conditions, Model Data, and Historical Data

Climate Diagnostics Center - US precipitation anomalies

NOAA Eastern Region Climate Outreach Toolkit

NOAA - Health of the Networks

Recent Snowfall and Snow Depth Maps

Surface Radiation

Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS)

National Weather Service

NWS homepage

NWS - Management Information Retrieval System

Other Agencies

Monthly climate impacts across Vermont (2010-11)

The Vermont State Climate Office was founded by the Northeast Regional Climate Center and funded by the National Climatic Data Center, to work with the Office to produce a Monthly Climate Impacts summary for September 2010 to August 2011. Further details on the meteorological background of the various events reported herein can be found at the National Weather Service Burlington site. The National Climatic Data Center also offers monthly summaries on its Climate at a Glance and Temperature and Precipitation Rankings pages.

Monthly Impacts List

September 2010 impacts
October 2010 impacts
November 2010 impacts
December 2010 impacts
January 2011 impacts
February 2011 impacts
March 2011 impacts
April 2011 impacts & NWS-created MODIS loop showing snowmelt/sediment plumes 8 April-1 May, by C. Lahiff
May 2011 impacts
June 2011 impacts
July 2011 impacts
August 2011 impacts
NWS/Albany, NY Real-time storm reports

Historical Weather Documents

Acknowledgement: The generous support of the CDMP, local researchers and all who have responded to the call for historical weather information, is very gratefully acknowledged.

The Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP) is managed by the National Climatic Data Center in partnership with the Regional and State Climate Centers. The program creates an online, password-protected, digital database of historical weather and climate data. This database is created by scanning original documents and keying the numerical information by hand. Some of the earliest records were kept at at U.S. military forts in the 1800s, such as Burlington and Lunenburg(h). Others were acquired at civilian stations. This site catalogues some of the records that exist at historical societies, museums and in personal diaries across Vermont. The images below are historical weather documents found in journals, newpapers, and other correspondence that have been scanned and put online for educational purposes (acknowlegement is required).

Image galleries

Burlington Airport images

Newspaper Articles
Diary of Anna Higgins

Other historical document links

Albert Hunter diaries 1898-1907 - A Shelburne Community School project
Farm diary from Morrisonville, NY (near Plattsburgh)- 1869
Clara Doty's diary from Tinmouth, VT - 1888 [WORD]
UVM Libraries' Center for Digital Initiatives
UVM Historic Preservation - Historic Burlington Project
601 Main Street, University of Vermont - former Weather Bureau building
Ainsworth Hall, Norwich University - former Weather Bureau building
Vermont Women's History
Vermont State Archives
ArcCAT - Catalogue of Vermont Archives & Manuscripts
PBS - Hurricane of 1938
NOAA photo library - Vermont & other states
NOAA photo library - homepage
NCDC - Other historical data sets
NDMC - Free online historical data sources

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