
Title  /  Areas of Expertise


Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Curatorial Associate

field ecology and natural history (birds in particular), history of science


Lily Duerr

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Vertebrate & Teaching Collections Manager

mammal skull morphology, skeletal articulation

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Herbarium Collections Manager

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Interim Curator of Zoology

social insect biology and evolution, ecological genetics, behavioral ecology

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Emeritus Curator of Vertebrates

population genetics, molecular ecology, systematics, and phylogeography of rodents in Central Asia, Central America, and the West Indies


Cole looking at a vial of invertebrate specimens drawn from a cabinet of such vials

Cole Logan

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Invertebrate Collections Manager

natural history, systematics, and conservation of arachnids and other arthropods

Title  /  Areas of Expertise

Curator of the Herbarium

plant systematics and evolution; phylogenomics; comparative phylogenetic methods; specimen-based research; tropical plant diversity