Interviews at professional meetings are considered "screening interviews" and do not require the advance approval of the Provost.

The overarching principle is that all candidates interviewed at professional meetings must be treated as equally as possible ("equal opportunity").

  • Interviews should be at least 30 minutes long in order to allow candidates sufficient time to present their qualifications. Interviews should start and end on time as the candidate may have other interview appointments at the meeting.
  • Interviewers should prepare a set of questions that each candidate will be asked.
  • Interviews should take place in the same venue as the meeting. If you interview one candidate in the coffee shop, then all candidates must be interviewed in the coffee shop.
  • Interviews may not take place in hotel rooms unless both of the following conditions are met:

1) there is a sitting area that is clearly separate from the sleeping area (as in a suite); and
2) at least two members of a search committee are present to talk to the candidate (if only one person is interviewing at the meeting, then all interviews must be scheduled in public areas).

  • As in all interviews, interviewers must scrupulously avoid questions about any of the following: race/ethnicity, national origin, marital status (or other personal or domestic issues, like partners, children, etc.), sexual orientation, disability.


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Revised for clarity, 11/07/2022