Bold text indicates faculty author; * indicates graduate student author; ** indicates undergraduate student author, *** indicates post-doc author


Block*, B.D, B.A. Denfeld, J.D. Stockwell, G. Flaim, H.-P.F. Grossart, L.B. Knoll, D.B. Maier, R.L. North, M. Rautio, J.A. Rusak, S. Sadro, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, A.J. Bramburger, D.K. Branstrator, K. Salonen, and S.E. Hampton. 2019. The unique methodological challenges of winter limnology. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods 17:42-57.

Doubek***, J.P., C.C. Carey, M. Lavender, A.K. Winegardner, M. Beaulieu, P.T. Kelly, A.I. Pollard, D. Straile, and J.D. Stockwell. 2019. Calanoid copepod zooplankton density is positively associated with water residence time across the continental United States. PLOS ONE 14(1) e0209567.


Euclide*, P, and J. E. Marsden.  in revision. Role of drainage and barriers in the genetic structuring of a tessellated darter metapopulation. Conservation Genetics.  4-5-18.

Flores, N.M*., T.R. Miller, and J.D. Stockwell. 2018. Concentrations of cyanotoxins in fresh water and fish. Environmental Data Initiative.

Flores, N.M*., T.R. Miller, and J.D. Stockwell. 2018. A global analysis of the relationship between cyanotoxins in water and fish. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:30. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00030

Harder, A. M., J. E. Marsden, M. H. Futia, J. Rinchard, W. R. Ardren, C. A. Richter, D. E. Tillitt, C. E. Kraft, M. R. Christie.  In revision. Thiamine deficiency in fishes: causes, consequences, and potential solutions. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.

Knight** JC, BP O’Malley*, and JD Stockwell. 2018. Lake Champlain offshore benthic invertebrate community before and after zebra mussel invasion. Journal of Great Lakes Research 44:283-288.

Ladago*, B. J., J. E. Marsden, S. C. Riley, D. C. Honeyfield, D. E. Tillitt, J. Rinchard, J. L. Zajicek, and K. Kelsey. In revision. Thiamine concentrations in lake trout and Atlantic salmon eggs from Lake Champlain decrease after alewife invasion.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage.

Marsden, J. E. and M. Siefkes.  In revision.  Sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes, Lake Champlain, and Finger Lakes.  In: Lampreys: Biology, Conservation and Control, M. F. Docker, ed., Springer.

Marsden, J. E., A. M. Muir, and C. C. Krueger.  Accepted.  Terminology issues in lake charr early development. Chapter for Lake Charrs book, edited by A. M. Muir and C. C. Krueger.

Marsden, J. E., B. T. **Szydlowski, L. *Simard, V. A. Sotola, and B. J. *Ladago. In revision. Laboratory evaluation of lake trout egg penetration into rocky substrates. J. Fish. Biol.

Miehls, S., C. Holbrook, and J. E. Marsden. In review. Diel activity of newly metamorphosed juvenile Sea Lamprey. PLOS One, 2/2018.

O’Malley*, B.P., R.A. Dillon, R.W. Paddock, S. Hansson, and J.D. Stockwell. 2018. Using underwater video to assess abundance and behavior of epibenthic invertebrates. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 16:868-880.

O’Malley BP*, S Hansson, and JD Stockwell. 2018. Evidence for a size-structured explanation of partial diel vertical migration in mysids. Journal of Plankton Research 40:66-76.

Simard*, L., P. Bigelow, R. Gresswell, J. E. Marsden.  In review.  Spawning site plasticity of invasive lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in a species depauperate lake, Yellowstone Lake. J. Great Lakes Res.


Binder, T. R., J. E. Marsden, S. C. Riley, J. E. Johnson, N. S. Johnson, J. He, M. Ebener, C. M. Holbrook, R. A. Bergstedt, C. R. Bronte, T. A. Hayden, and C. C. Krueger.  2017.  Lake-wide movements and spatial segregation of two populations of lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, in Lake Huron. J. Great Lakes Res. 43:108-118.

Bockwoldt**, K.A., E.R. Nodine, T.B. Mihuc, A. Shambaugh, and J.D. Stockwell. 2017. Reduced phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity associated with increased cyanobacteria in Lake Champlain, USA. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 160:100-118.

Buchinger, T..J., J. E. Marsden, T. R. Binder,  M. Huertas, U. Bussy, K. Li, J. E. Hanson, C. C. Krueger, W. Li, and N. S. Johnson.  2017.  Temporal constraints on the potential role of fry odors as cues of past reproductive success for spawning lake trout. Ecology and Evolution 7(23):10196-10206.

Dugan, H.A., S.L Bartlett, S.M. Burke, J.P. Doubek, F.E. Krivak-Tetley, N.K. Skaff, J.C. Summers, K.J. Farrell, I.M. McCullough, A.M. Morales-Williams, D. Roberts, F. Scordo, Z. Ouyang, P.C. Hanson, and K.C. Weathers. 2017. Salting our freshwater lakes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (17): 4453-4458.

Euclide*, P. T., N. Flores*, M. Wargo, C. W. Kilpatrick, J. E. Marsden.  2017. Lack of genetic population structure of slimy sculpin in a large, fragmented lake. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.

Euclide*, P.T., S. Hansson, and J.D. Stockwell. 2017. Partial diel vertical migration in an omnivorous macroinvertebrate. Hydrobiologia 787:387-396. DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2982-5

Gearhart*, T.G., K. Ritchie, E. Nathan, J.D. Stockwell, and J. Kraft. 2017. Alteration of essential fatty acids in secondary consumers across a gradient of cyanobacteria. Hydrobiologia 784:155-170.

Hampton, S.E.,  A.W.E. Galloway, S.M. Powers, T. Ozersky, K.H. Woo, R.D. Batt, S.G. Labou, C.M. O’Reilly, S. Sharma, N.R. Lottig, E.H. Stanley, R.L. North,  J.D. Stockwell, R. Adrian, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, L. Arvola, H.M. Baulch, I. Bertani, L.L. Bowman, Jr., C.C. Carey, J. Catalan, W. Colom-Montero, L.M. Domine, M. Felip, I. Granados, C. Gries, H.-P. Grossart, J. Haberman, M. Haldna, B. Hayden, S.N. Higgins, J.C. Jolley, K.K. Kahilainen, E. Kaup, M.J. Kehoe, S. MacIntyre, A.W. Mackay, H.L. Mariash, R.M. McKay, B. Nixdorf, P. Nõges, T. Nõges, M. Palmer, D.C. Pierson, D.M. Post, M.J. Pruett, M. Rautio, J.S. Read, S.L. Roberts, J. Rücker, S. Sadro, E.A. Silow, D.E. Smith, R.W. Sterner, G.E.A. Swann, M.A. Timofeyev, M. Toro, M.R. Twiss, R.J. Vogt, S.B. Watson, E.J. Whiteford, and M.A. Xenopoulos. 2017. Ecology under lake ice. Ecology Letters 20: 98-111. doi:10/1111/ele.12699

Isles*, P.D.F., Y. Xu, J.D. Stockwell, and A.W. Schroth. 2017. Climate-driven changes in energy and mass inputs systematically alter nutrient concentration and stoichiometry in deep and shallow regions of Lake Champlain. Biogeochemistry 133:201-217.

Johnson, N.S., D. Higgs, T. R. Binder, J. E. Marsden, T. J. Buchinger, L. Brege, T. Bruning, S. Farha  and C. C. Krueger. 2017.  Evidence of sound production by spawning lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in lakes Huron and Champlain. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.

Joung, D., M. Leduc, B. Ramcharitar**, Y. Xu, P.D.F.  Isles*, J.D. Stockwell, G. Druschel, T. Manley, and A.W. Schroth. 2017. The impact of winter weather and system configuration on phosphorus, iron and manganese dynamics in water and sediment of ice-covered lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 62:1620-1635. 10.1002/lno.10521

Kelly PT, BC Weidel, MR Pfauve, BP O’Malley*, JM Watkins, LG Rudstam, and SE Jones. 2017. Concentration and biochemical gradients of seston in Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 43:795-803.

Leach, T.H., B.E. Beisner, C.C. Carey, P. Pernica, K.C. Rose, Y. Huot, J.A. Brentrup, I. Domaizon, H.-P. Grossart, B.W. Ibelings, P.T. Kelly, S. Jacquet, J.A. Rusak, J.D. Stockwell, D. Straile, and P. Verburg. 2017. Patterns and drivers of deep chlorophyll maxima structure in 100 lakes: the relative importance of light and thermal stratification. Limnology and Oceanography 63: 628-646. doi: 10.1002/lno.10656

Marsden, J. E. and B. J. Ladago*. 2017. The Champlain Canal as a non-indigenous species corridor. J. Great Lakes Res.

Marsden, J. E., C. L. Kozel*, and B. D. Chipman.  2017.  Lake trout recruitment in Lake Champlain. J. Great Lakes Res. 44:166-173.

Morales-Williams, A.M., A.D. Wanamaker, Jr., and J.A. Downing. 2017. Cyanobacterial carbon concentrating mechanisms facilitate sustained CO2 depletion in eutrophic lakes. Biogoesciences 14: 2865-2875.

O’Malley BP*, LG Rudstam, JM Watkins, TJ Holda, and BC Weidel. 2017. Effects of food web changes on Mysis diluviana diet in Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 43:813-822.

Pinheiro*, V. M., J. D. Stockwell, and J. E. Marsden.  2017. Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) spawing site use in Lake Champlain.  J. Great Lakes Res. 43:345–351.

Simard*, L., V. A Sotola, J. E. Marsden, S. Miehls. 2017. Assessment of PIT tag retention and post-tagging survival in metamorphosing juvenile sea lamprey. Animal Biotelemetry 5:18-24.

Watkins JM, PD Collingsworth, NE Saavedra, BP O’Malley*, and LG Rudstam. 2017. Fine-scale zooplankton diel vertical migration revealed by traditional net sampling and a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC) in Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 43:804-812.

Weyhenmeyer, G.A., M. Mackay, J.D. Stockwell, W. Thiery, H.-P. Grossart, P.B. Augusto-Silva, H. Baulch, E. de Eyto, J. Hejzlar, K. Kangur, G. Kirillin, D.C. Pierson, J.A. Rusak, S. Sadro, and R.I. Woolway. 2017. Citizen science shows systematic changes in the temperature difference between air and inland waters with global warming. Scientific Reports 7:43890.


Anneville, O., D.L. Yule, R. Eckmann, E. Lasne, J.D. Stockwell, C. Gillet, and J. Guillard. 2015. Fishing and stocking practices promote fish diversity loss. Food and Nutrition Sciences (Special Issue on Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment) 6:1045-1055.

Ball**, S.C., T.B. Mihuc, L.W. Myers, and J.D. Stockwell. 2015. Ten-fold decline in Mysis diluviana in Lake Champlain between 1975 and 2012. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41:502-509.

Herbst, S.J., B.M. Roth, D.B. Hayes, and J.D. Stockwell. 2016. Walleye foraging ecology in an interconnected chain of lakes influenced by non-native species. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145:319-333.

Ladago*, B. J., J. E. Marsden, and A. Evans.  2016. Could early feeding by lake trout fry mitigate thiamine deficiency? Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 145:1-6.

Marsden, J. E., T. R. Binder, J.  Johnson, J. He, N. Dingledine, J. Adams, N. Johnson and C. C. Krueger. 2016.  Five-year evaluation of habitat remediation in Thunder Bay, Lake Huron: comparison of characteristics of constructed reefs that attract spawning lake trout. Fisheries Research 183:275–286.

Moriarty**, P.E, C.J. Byron, A.J. Pershing,  J.D. Stockwell, and H. Xue. 2016. Predicting migratory paths of post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Marine Biology 163:74. DOI 10.1007/s00227-016-2845-5


Euclide*, P.T., and J.D. Stockwell. 2015. Effect of gut content on δ15N, δ13C and C:N of experimentally-fed Mysis diluviana. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41:926-929.

Kanwar*, P., W.B. Bowden, S. Greenhalgh. 2015. A regional ecological risk assessment of the Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand, using a relative risk model. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 21 (4), 1123-1146.

Williams, C.J., P.C. Frost, A.M. Morales-Williams, J.H. Larson, W.B. Richardson, A.S. Chiandet, and M.A. Xenopoulos. 2015. Human activities cause distinct dissolved organic matter composition across freshwater ecosystems. Global Change Biology.  DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13094.


Binder, T. R., H.T. Thompson, A.M. Muir, S.C. Riley, J.E. Marsden, C.R. Bronte, and C.C. Krueger.  2014.  New insight into the spawning behavior of lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, from a recovering population in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Ecol. Freshwater Fish.

Bowden, W.B., B.J. Peterson, L.A. Deegan, A.D. Huryn, J.P. Benstead, H. Golden, M. Kendrick, S.M. Parker, E. Schuett, J. Valino, and J.E. Hobbie. 2014 Ecology of streams of the Toolik region. Chapter 7 in J.E. Hobbie and G. Kling, Alaska’s Changing Arctic. LTER Synthesis Book. Oxford University Press, New York. ( ISBN 978-0-19-986040-1)

Byron, C.J., A.P. Pershing, J.D. Stockwell, X. Huijie, and J. Kocik. 2014. Migration model of post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Gulf of Maine. Fisheries Oceanography 23:172-189.

Fitzsimons, J. D. and J. E. Marsden.  2014.  Relationship between lake trout spawning, embryonic survival, and currents: A case of bet hedging in the face of environmental stochasticity?  J. Great Lakes Res. 40:92-101.

Janssen, J., J. E. Marsden,  T. R. Hrabik, and  J. D. Stockwell.  2014. Are the Laurentian Great Lakes great enough for Hjort?  ICES Journal of Marine Science.  71:2242-2252.

Larson, J.H., P.C. Frost, M.A. Xenopoulos, C.J. Williams, A.M. Morales-Williams, J. Vallazza, J.C. Nelson, and W.B. Richardson. 2014. Controls over spatial variation in dissolved organic matter change along the river to lake transition. Ecosystems. 17(8): 1413-1425, DOI: 10.1007/ s10021-014-9804-2.

Lochet, A, B. J. Fryer , S. A. Ludsin, E. A. Howe, and J. E. Marsden. 2014.  Discriminating the natal origin of spawning adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus): re-evaluation of the statolith microchemistry approach.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 40:763-770.

Marsden, J. E., H. Tobi**.  2014.  Sculpin predation on lake trout eggs in interstices: skull compression as a novel foraging mechanism.  Copeia. 2014:654-658.

Marsden, J. E., K. Kelsey, J. Riley*, and J. Hatt**.  2014.  Evaluation of calcein for marking lake trout fry, and estimation of lake trout fry abundance on a spawning reef.  N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 34:270-275.

Muir, A. M,, C. T. Blackie, J. E. Marsden, and C. C. Krueger.  2014.  Lake charr Salvelinus namaycush spawning behaviour: new field observations and a review of current knowledge.  Rev. Fish Biol. Fisheries. 22:575-593.

O’Malley BP*, and DB Bunnell. 2014. Diet of Mysis diluviana reveals seasonal patterns of omnivory and consumption of invasive species in offshore Lake Michigan. Journal of Plankton Research 36:989-1002.

O’Malley BP*, and BM Maitland. 2014. Observations on the freshwater zooplankton of Dominica, West Indies, including records from the former Matthieu landslide-dam Lake. Pan American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 9:228-233.

Riley, S. C., T. R. Binder, N. J. Wattrus, M. D. Faust, J. Janssen, J. Menzies, J. E Marsden, M. P. Ebener, C. R. Bronte, J. X. He, T. R. Tucker, M. J. Hansen, H. T. Thompson, A. M. Muir, and C. C. Krueger. 2014.  Lake trout in northern Lake Huron spawn on submerged drumlins.  J. Great Lakes Res. 40:415-420.

Sierszen, M.E., T.R. Hrabik, J.D. Stockwell, A.M. Cotter, J.C. Hoffman, and D.L. Yule. 2014. Depth gradients in food web processes in large lakes: Lake Superior as an exemplar ecosystem. Freshwater Biology. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12415

Sotola, V. A., G. Maynard, E. Hayes-Pontius, T. Mihuc, M. Malchoff, and, J. E. Marsden.  2014.  Precision and bias of opercles to estimate ages of largemouth (Micropterus salmoides) and smallmouth bass (M. dolomieu) as compared to whole otoliths, dorsal spines, and scales. Northeastern Naturalist 21:565-573.

Stockwell, J.D., D.L. Yule, T.R. Hrabik, M.E. Sierszen, and E.J. Isaac. 2014. Habitat coupling in a large lake system: delivery of an energy subsidy by an offshore planktivore to the nearshore zone of Lake Superior. Freshwater Biology 59:1197-1212.

Yurista, P.M., D.L. Yule, M. Balge, J.D. VanAlstine, J.A. Thompson, A.E. Gamble, T.R. Hrabik, J.R. Kelly, J.D. Stockwell, and M.R. Vinson. 2014. A new look at the Lake Superior biomass size-spectrum. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 10.1139/cjfas-2013-0596