Gund Fellow, Assistant Professor, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources

Eric D. Roy is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences focusing on Ecological Design within the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources. He leads the Nutrient Cycling & Ecological Design Lab at UVM, working at the interface of ecology and engineering, and focusing on water, food systems, and resource management.

Nutrient cycling is the common thread that ties together Dr. Roy’s different research interests. His group quantifies the forms, biogeochemical transformations, and fluxes of essential nutrients for life on Earth, aiming to: (1) clarify important processes that underpin ecosystem function, (2) identify opportunities for beneficial intervention, and (3) design systems that achieve nutrient management objectives. This includes analyzing soils, sediments, plants, water, and organic residuals in engineered, urban, and agricultural ecosystems.

His group also uses material flow analysis, modeling, and GIS to study nutrient dynamics at larger spatial scales. Increasingly, Dr. Roy and his students are focused on developing and evaluating strategies for nutrient recovery and recycling to support a circular economy. This involves engagement with organics recycling businesses, farmers, pioneers in resource recovery from human waste, and fellow academics from diverse disciplines.



Associations and Affiliations

UVM ROAR (Recycling Organics and Resources) Research Group

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Nutrient biogeochemistry and management; ecological engineering and design; green infrastructure; industrial ecology; resource recovery and recycling; sustainable agriculture


  • PhD, Louisiana State University
  • MS, Ohio State University
  • BS, Old Dominion University


  • 802-656-7359
Office Location:

Office: 210 Aiken Center, 81 Carrigan Dr., Burlington, VT 05405