We wish to express thanks and acknowledgement to all those who have dedicated time and service within the University to the planning of the SRC since 2010.


Office of Fellowships, Opportunities, & Undergraduate Research (FOUR)
Ann Kroll Lerner
Lily Fedorko

Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR)
Dan Harvey
Kerime Toksu

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Hope Greenberg

Graduate Student Senate (GSS)
Michelle DiPinto

Student Government Association (SGA)
Nicole Woodcock

University Communications
Amanda Waite

Andrea Estey

Bailey Howe Library
Christie Silkotch

Past Planning Committees


Office of Undergraduate Research
Ann Kroll Lerner
Lily Fedorko

Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR)
Dan Harvey
Kerime Toksu

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Hope Greenberg

Graduate Student Senate (GSS)
Michelle DiPinto

Student Government Association (SGA)
Jason Maulucci
Nicole Woodcock

University Communications
Amanda Waite

Bailey Howe Library
Daisy Benson


Office of Undergraduate Research
Ann Kroll Lerner
Lily Fedorko

Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR)
Dan Harvey
Kerime Toksu

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Hope Greenberg

Graduate Student Senate (GSS)
Adam Nock

Student Government Association (SGA)
Jason Maulucci

University Communications
Amanda Waite

Honors College / HESA Program
Carrie Daut

Bailey Howe Library
Daisy Benson


Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR)
Andrea Elledge
Dan Harvey
Kerime Toksu

Honors College & Undergraduate Research
Ann Kroll Lerner

Bailey Howe Library
Daisy Benson

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Hope Greenberg

Graduate Student Senate (GSS)
Gina Marie Accorsi
Lane Manning

Student Government Association (SGA)
Aya AL-Namee

University Communications
Amanda Waite


Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR)
Melody Brown Burkins
Andrea Elledge
Dan Harvey
Kerime Toksu

Honors College & Undergraduate Research
Ann Kroll Lerner

Bailey Howe Library
Daisy Benson

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Hope Greenberg
Holly Parker

Graduate Student Senate (GSS)
Jennifer Swain

Student Government Association (SGA)
Connor Daley


Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and
Dean of the Graduate College

Melody Brown Burkins
Andrea Elledge
Dan Harvey
Kerime Toksu

Honors College & Undergraduate Research
Ann Kroll Lerner

Bailey Howe Library
Daisy Benson

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Hope Greenberg
Holly Parker

Graduate Student Senate (GSS)
Kelly Swindlehurst

Student Government Association (SGA)
Connor Daley


Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and
Dean of the Graduate College

Melody Brown Burkins
Andrea Elledge
Dan Harvey
Kerime Toksu

Honors College & Undergraduate Research
Ann Kroll Lerner

Bailey Howe Library
Daisy Benson

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Hope Greenberg
Holly Parker

Community-University Partnerships & Service Learning (CUPS)
Susan Munkres

Graduate Student Senate (GSS)
Jude Dizon

McNair Scholars Program
Susan Williford

Student Government Association (SGA)
Julian Golfarini


Office of the Vice President for Research and
Dean of the Graduate College

Melody Brown Burkins
Andrea Elledge
Dan Harvey
Kerime Toksu

Honors College
Ann Kroll Lerner

Bailey Howe Library
Daisy Benson

Center for Teaching and Learning
Hope Greenberg
Holly Parker

Graduate Student Senate
Sarah Surgala


Office of the Vice President for Research and
Dean of the Graduate College

Melody Brown Burkins
Andrea Elledge
Dan Harvey
Patricia Stokowski
Kerime Toksu

Honors College
Gayle Bress

Center for Teaching and Learning
Hope Greenberg
Holly Parker

Graduate Student Senate
Melanie Brown
Andrew Dunn

McNair Scholars Program
Jane Graiko

Photo of Associate Dean Dan Harvey of the Graduate College, a long-time Student Research Conference Planning Committee Member

We are always looking for new volunteers to help us make this the most successful and enriching event possible. If you are intersted in being apart of the SRC Planning Committee, please email the Coordinator.