My name is Paul Besaw and I am Associate Professor in the Department of Music and Dance and I'm the Dance Coordinator for the department as well.

I've been involved with large performance pieces that have happened at Shelburne Farms, one in the breeding barn which is this huge beautiful old barn that creates sort of a location that's unlike any other. So you have a very special kind of performance when you sort of bring the performance piece there.

The project I'm doing right now is with a group that calls, we call ourselves "Dance Tramp" and its a group of dance artists who all live around Burlington and we work together creating full evenings of dance performances and we came up with the name 'Dance Tramp'. And we're working on a show that will be performed at the Flynn Center in March.

What I love about my work is the people I work with. The thing I love about my job in terms of the teaching part is the same idea. When I'm in a classroom more often than not, it's with a group of students who are all barefoot, as am I, and we're interacting in a way that's just very different from the types of other interactions that happen on campus. Not to say that those interactions are less than, less important or not as good as ours, ours is just very different, they tend to be informal and very creative and very group centered. So that's what I love about it all.