Senior Lecturer of Chinese

Ying Hu got her Master's Degree in Second Language Studies with her specialty in Language Teaching and Technology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and her Bachelor's Degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language from Zhejiang University, China. She has taught Chinese as a second/foreign language in a variety of settings, including universities and intensive immersion programs both in China and America. Emphasizing contextual sensitivity and communicative competence in language learning, she attaches great importance to learning through doing and active interactions in her teaching. She has taught Elementary Chinese (CHIN 001/002), Intermediate Chinese (CHIN 051/052), 4th-year College Chinese (CHIN 201/202), Advanced Reading and Writing (CHIN 251/252), Fundamentals of Chinese Characters (CHIN020), Chinese Computing (CHIN198), Asian Language Teaching Practicum (CHIN196), and coordinates the Chinese-English Language Partner Program at UVM. Her research interests revolve around expertise development and pragmatics in second language learning.

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  • M.A., University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2012


  • 802-656-1012
Office Location:

OM Annex A501