Campus - Ira Allen Chapel

Demanding students can be difficult to interact with because they can be intrusive and persistent. Demanding traits can be associated with anxiety, agitated depression and/or personality disorders, but also occur in the general population. Some features associated with demanding students are a sense of entitlement; an inability to empathize; a need to control; difficulty dealing with ambiguity; a strong drive for perfection; difficulty respecting structure, limits, and rules; persistence after hearing “no”; dependence on others to take care of them; and a fear of dealing with the realities of life. These students may demand a lot of time and attention. 


When dealing with a demanding student:


  • When possible, talk to the student in a place where you feel comfortable and safe.
  • Remain calm and in control of the situation.
  • Set clear limits and hold to them.
  • Directly and clearly explain to the student the behaviors which are acceptable and unacceptable.
  • Be clear about the time you will give to the student.
  • Request that they treat you with respect.
  • Address and contain the disruptive behavior that impacts the class, study groups, etc.
  • Be aware of manipulative behavior.
  • Refer student to resources that can address their needs.
  • Contact the Center for Student Ethics and Standards (802-656-4360) to report disruptive behavior, which can include harassment and intimidation.
  • Contact The Wellness Program for assistance if you are feeling personally impacted (800-828-6025)
  • Contact the Office of Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity (802-656-3368) if you are feeling harassed and it has a sexual or gender related harassment to it.


  • Argue with the student
  • Accommodate inappropriate requests.
  • Ignore the problem and the impact it has on you and other students, staff, or faculty.