Rubric: Business Skills - Oral Presentation Skills









  • Presenter is difficult to hear.
  • The rates of speaking are too slow or too fast.
  • Very little eye contact is made with the audience. Nervous habits that distract the audience are present.
  • Speaker does not involve audience.
  • Audience is able to hear as a whole, but there are times when volume is not quite adequate.
  • Speaker may at times seem like s/he is rushing or exaggerating pauses.
  • Eye contact may focus on only one member of the audience or a select few members. Mildly distracting nervous habits are present but do not override the content.
  • Audience is involved but inadequate processing or response time is provided.



  • Presenter is easy to hear.
  • Rates of speech are appropriate.
  • Speaker makes eye contact with everyone and has no nervous habits. Speaker has excellent posture.
  • Presentation involves audience, allowing time for audience to think and respond.







  • Presentation shows little organization, unclear purpose, and/or unclear relationships or transitions.
  • Details and examples are lacking or not well chosen for the topic or audience. Lacks evidence of research.
  • Very little or poor use of visual materials. No handouts provided.
  • Presentation lacks conclusion and/or time is not appropriately used.
  • Speaker loses train of thought, does not stay with the proposed outline, or connections are attempted but not made clear for the audience.
  • Research component is less evident than in higher category or resources are present but less than adequate for assignment.
  • Visuals are adequate but do not inspire engagement with the material.
  • Time is appropriately used, but may run slightly over or under allotted time and/or information is not tied together or conclusion is inadequate.
  • Presentation is well organized with a beginning, middle, and end. There is a strong organizing theme, with clear main ideas and transitions.
  • Information is complete and accurate. Clear evidence of research.
  • Visual aids are well done and are used to make presentation more interesting and meaningful.
  • Appropriate length. Clear summary is provided. Audience is involved in synthesizing the information.