Read & Write Gold Downloads

windows logoDownload - Read & Write Gold for PC

apple logoDownload - Read & Write Gold for MAC**


**RWG for Chrome Web Browser 


*If you are installing RWG on a MAC (OS X 10.11 and before) you need to make sure your System Preferences allow you to install "apps from anywhere" or it will tell you the software is "damaged."

**If you are installing RWG on a MAC with OS X 10.12 Sierra, you will need to enter the following commands into Terminal;

sudo spctl --master-disable   
this will disable the "only allow software downlaoded from app store" and allow you to install RWG
sudo spctl —master-enable     
this will re enable the "only allow software downlaoded from app store" and prevent non Apple software from being installed


***When you install Read and Write Gold you do not need to enter an activation key or installation number Just select "Activate"

Read&Write GOLD for Windows or Mac is a customizable easy-to-use toolbar that seamlessly integrates with mainstream applications allowing you to access reading, writing, studying, and research support tools from within programs you use every day. This toolbar “floats” on your screen, or docks to a locked position, offering help as you work, highlights and reads text aloud using natural-sounding voices, and also includes a comprehensive set of support tools for reading, writing, studying, research and test-taking.

Read&Write GOLD integrates with familiar applications (i.e. Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Adobe Reader, Microsoft Office for MAC, Apple Pages and Safari) giving access to features for reading, writing, and research support from within programs used every day. New Web Apps allow you to access your favorite features in the Cloud, anywhere, anytime, on any device.