Smalley-Davenport Shop
Forestdale, Vermont
Birthplace of the Electric Motor in 1834
By Prof. Thomas D. Visser
Historic Preservation Program,
University of Vermont
Title Chain
From deeds recorded at the Brandon Town Clerk's Office
associated with the Smalley-Davenport Shop property
located in Forestdale Village, Brandon, Vermont.
Date: August 25, 1836
Grantee: Orange A. Smalley
Grantor: Ep. J. Smalley
Volume: 15
Page: 419
Amount: $100
Description (excerpts)
"...the old farm deeded to my mother Sophia Smalley and her heirs by my grandfather Joshua Goss and 13 acres of land deeded to the aforesaid Orange and myself by the Conants..."
Date: March 24, 1851
Grantee: John Day
Grantor: Orange A. Smalley
Volume: 21
Page: 487
Amount: $250.00
Description (excerpts)
"Beginning at the northwest corner of the Blacksmith Shop and Wheelwright do. on the easterly line of the highway leading from my Dwelling house to Blakes Furnace, thence easterly on John Phelps south line about 35 rods to the southeast corner of the north half of the Doolittle lot. Thence southwesterly parallel with the line of the highway far enough running a line at right angles with the line of said highway to contain two acres of land by measure."
Date: March 24, 1851
Grantee: Orange A. Smalley
Grantor: John Day
Volume: 21
Page: 488
Amount: $200.00
Description (excerpts)
Mortgage for the transfer above. Discharged by Orange Smalley on January 11, 1855.
Date: March 22, 1865
Grantee: Harry Baker
Grantor: Jane Day
Volume: 29
Page: 427
Amount: $450.00
Description (excerpts)
"Beginning at the northwest corner of the blacksmith shop on the easterly line of the highway leading from Orange Smalley's dwelling house to Blakes Furnace thence easterly on John Phelps south line about 35 rods to the southeast corner of the north half of the Doolittle lot, thence southwest parallel with the line of the highway far enough by running a line at right angles with the said highway to contain two acres. ... and whereas my son John Day who will be 21 years of age on the 11th of August 1873 has an interest in said homestead..."
Date: March 22, 1865
Grantee: Butler Goodrich
Grantor: Harry Baker
Volume: 29
Page: 428-9
Amount: $150.00
Description (excerpts)
Mortgage for the transfer above. Discharged by Butler Goodrich on March 26, 1875.
Date: November 5, 1872
Grantee: Harry Baker
Grantor: Orange A. Smalley
Volume: 36
Page: 99
Amount: $75.00
Description (excerpts)
"...a certain piece of land joining lands owned by the said Baker and known as the Day lot beginning at the southeast corner of the said Day Lot running east 45û south or at right angles with the highway being a continuation of the south west line of the Day Lot in a straight line about 13 rods to a stake and stones situated in the line of a board fence, thence in a straight line in a north easterly direction to a stake and stones, it being the southwest corner of Benjamin Tyler's lot about (20) twenty rods thence in a northwesterly direction on the said Tyler's southwest line until the said line intersects the southeast line of the Day Lot thence in the said southeast line of the said Day Lot to the first mentioned bounds containing in the vicinity of two acres of ground be the same more or less. The said Harry Baker is to build in good repair a lawful fence on the two lines joining lands owned by O. A. Smalley."
Date: July 7, 1897
Grantee: Herbert L. Baker
Grantor: H. H. Baker
Volume: 49
Page: 35
Amount: One hundred dollars
Description (excerpts)
"A true record of this made this 18th day of May 1907..."
#1 Being my home place where I now deed dated March 27, 1867, Book 29, Page: 477...#2 Being a piece of land conveyed to me by Orange A. Smalley by deed dated November 5, 1872 and recorded in Book 36, Page: 99 of the Brandon Land Records..."
Date: July 7, 1897
Grantee: Laura Baker & H. H. Baker
Grantor: Herbert L. Baker
Volume: 49
Page: 36
Amount: One hundred dollars
Description (excerpts)
Quitclaim deed
"A true record of this made this 18th day of May 1907..."
Same general description as Volume 43 Page: 281 below.
Date: May 16, 1901
Grantee: Laura A. Baker
Grantor: H. H. Baker (death)
Date: June 11, 1901
Grantee: Ida V. Severy
Grantor: Laura A. Baker
Volume: 43
Page: 350
Description (excerpts)
Same general description as Volume 43 Page: 281 below.
Date: January 6, 1902
Grantee: Laura A. Baker
Grantor: Ida V. Severy and George R. Severy
Volume: 43
Page: 281
Description (excerpts)
"... A certain parcel of land beginning at the northwest corner of the blacksmith shop on the easterly side of the highway leading from Orange A. Smalley's dwelling house to Blakes Furnace, thence easterly on John Phelps south line about 35 rods to the SE corner of the north half of the Doolittle lot thence southwest parallel with the line of the north half of the Doolittle lot, thence southwest parallel to the line of the highway far enough by running a line at right angles to said highway to contain 2 acres of land by measure.
"Also a certain piece of land joining the above parcel known as the Day lot beginning at the southwest corner of said Day lot running E 45 S at right angles top said highway being a continuation of the south line of the Day Lot about thirteen (13) rods to a stake and stone situated in the line of a board fence, thence in a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a stake and stones (on the southeast corner of Benj. Tyler's lot) about 20 rods; thence in a northwest direction on said Tyler's southwest line until it intersects the SE line of the Day lot, thence on the SE line of the Day lot to the place of beginning containing two acres more or less. A lawful fence is to be built and maintained on the two lines adjoining the land of O. A. Smalley.
"Also a third certain piece and parcel of land beginning at the southwest corner of a lot conveyed to Benj. Tyler by Ursula Baker and others by deed recorded in book 40 page 422, thence north 45 east in a straight line 17 links to a point opposite a maple tree, thence easterly 2 rods and 13 links to a stake in the fence line of Harry Bakers home lot thence, 80 west 2 rods and 20 links to the place of beginning containing about 2 rods of land, it being the same parcel conveyed to Harry Baker by Benj. Tyler by deed dated April first 1898 and recorded book 40 page 459.
"Except however the three pieces of land be subject to a certain mortgage held by L. M. Baker and amounting to one hundred and seventy five dollars."
Date: January 15, 1902
Grantee: Herbert L. Baker
Grantor: Laura A. Baker (widow of H. H. Baker)
Volume: 43
Page: 383
Description (excerpts)
"... A certain parcel of land beginning at the northwest corner of the blacksmith shop on the easterly side of the highway leading from Orange A. Smalley's dwelling house to Blakes Furnace, thence easterly on John Phelps south line about 35 rods to the SE corner of the north half of the Doolittle lot thence southwest parallel with the line of the north half of the Doolittle lot, thence southwest parallel to the line of the highway far enough by running a line at right angles to said highway to contain 2 acres of land by measure.
"Also a certain piece of land joining the above parcel known as the Day lot beginning at the southwest corner of said Day lot running east 45 south at right angles top said highway being a continuation of the south line of the Day Lot about thirteen (13) rods to a stake and stone situated in the line of a board fence, thence in a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a stake and stones (on the southeast corner of Benj. Tyler's lot) about 20 rods; thence in a northwest direction on said Tyler's southwest line until it intersects the southeast line of the Day lot, thence on the southeast line of the Day lot to the place of beginning containing two acres more or less. A lawful fence is to be built and maintained on the two lines adjoining the land of O. A. Smalley.
"Also a third certain piece and parcel of land beginning at the southwest corner of a lot conveyed to Benj. Tyler by Ursula Baker and others by deed recorded in book 40 page 422, thence north 45 east in a straight line 17 links to a point opposite a maple tree thence easterly 2 rods and 13 links to a stake in the fence line of Harry Bakers home lot thence 80 w 2 rods and 20 links to the place of beginning containing about 2 rods of land, it being the same parcel conveyed to Harry Baker by Benj. Tyler by deed dated April first 1898 and recorded book 40 page 459. Reference being had to the said deeds ... being the same and all premises conveyed to me the said Laura by Ida V. Severy and G. P. Severy by deed dated January 6, 1902... Herbert L. shall furnish a good comfortable support either in his home or such reasonable place... during her natural life.."
Date: September 27, 1910
Grantee: Vermont Historical Society
Grantor: Herbert L. Baker
Volume: 56
Page: 165- 166
Description (excerpts)
Quitclaim deed
"...a parcel of land 8 feet square located and situated in the southwesterly corner of the front yard of my home place and in the northwesterly corner of lands lately purchased by said Herbert L. Baker of Orange A. and Carlotta Smalley; said home place being in the village of Forestdale and located next to and on the southwesterly side of the highway or street leading from the village of said Brandon to the said village of Forestdale...
"In the corner of said 8 feet square parcel of land hereby conveyed has been placed the Thomas Davenport marble marker. Failure to keep said marker and the plot of ground on which it stands, in a respectable condition shall be cause to have said marker removed." Back to history note
Date: April 2, 1923
Grantee: Henry F. Parker & Reta L. Parker
Grantor: Herbert L. Baker
Volume: 58
Page: 414
Description (excerpts)
"...the place occupied by said Henry F. & Reta L. Parker...
"...bounded north by the highway...east by lands of Alonzo Derby and W. B. Avery; south and west by lands of Herbert L. Baker, containing 3/4ths of an acre...
"...southerly line is now fenced with a wire fence and goes as far south as the pasture...
"Excepting half of the plot on which stands the so-called Davenport Monument..."
Date: September 10, 1926
Grantee: Henry F. Parker & wife
Grantor: Dan'l E. Hayes & Rozella M. Hayes
Volume: 62
Page: 132
Description (excerpts)
"... a flat-iron shaped parcel of land to the north of said Parkers home piece and adjoining the same... No buildings of any description shall ever be erected on the land...
"... three feet from the SE corner of our dwelling thence westerly on lands now owned by Parkers to the main highway thence 20 feet on the highway thence easterly 71 feet, thence 20 feet extended to the north along said street..."
Date: 3/29/1939
Grantee: J. W. Estabrook and Louise S. Estabrook
Grantor: Henry F. Parker & Reta L. Parker
Volume: 43
Page: 790
Description (excerpts)
"our home place...bounded on the north or northerly by the said highway, on the east or easterly by lands owned or occupied by George Holden, on the south or southerly by lands owned or occupied by Charles Capen; said to contain three fourths of an acre more or less...excepting and reserving from the Davenport plot..."
Date: 9/15/1941
Grantee: Carver Smalley and Sophie Smalley
Grantor: J. W. Estabrook and Louise S. Estabrook
Volume: 67
Page: 134
Amount: One dollar and other valuable considerations
Description (excerpts)
"A piece of property located and situated next to and on the southerly side of the highway leading from Brandon Village to the store of John C. Bernor in the Village of Forestdale... and bounded this day as follows, viz.: on the north or northerly by said highway; on the east or easterly by lands owned by and occupied by George Holden; on the southerly and west or westerly by lands owned or occupied by Charles Capen; said to contain three fourths of an acre, be the same more or less. It being the same premises and all the same (except a small piece sold by Henry F. Parker and wife to Daniel E. and Rozella M. Hayes by deed of September 10, 1926) deeded to the said Parkers by warranty Deed bearing the date of April 2, A. D. 1923, and recorded in Brandon Land Records, in Book 58, at Page: 414. Second: Daniel E. Hayes and Rozella M. Hayes to the said Parkers by warranty Deed bearing the date of September 10, 1926, and recorded in the Brandon Land Records in Book 62, Page: 132...."
"Excepting and reserving from the above a plot of 4' x 8' in the southwest corner of the premises herein conveyed, said plot being half the plot on which stand the so-called Davenport Monument."
Date: 3/30/1971
Grantee: Joseph Morningstar, of Greenwich, Conn.
Grantor: Hanford C. Davis (Executor of Estate of Sophie Smalley, late of : Brandon, Vermont)
Volume: 80
Page: 396
Amount: One and more dollars
Description (excerpts)
"All the same lands conveyed to said Sophia Smalley and her late husband Carver Smalley, by J. W. and Louise S. Estabrook by deed dated 15 September, 1941, recorded in the Brandon Town Records Book 67 Page: 134 and therein described as:
"A piece of property located and situated next to and on the southerly side of the highway leading from Brandon Village to the store of John C. Bernor in the Village of Forestdale... and bounded as follows: on the north or northerly by said highway; on the east or easterly by lands owned by and occupied by George Holden; on the southerly and west or westerly by lands owned or occupied by Charles Capen, said to contain 3/4ths of a acre, be the same more or less.
"Reserving from the above a plot of 4' x 8' in the southwest corner of the premises herein conveyed, said plot being half the plot on which stand the so-called Davenport Monument."
Date: 6/17/1976
Grantee: Mary P. Kennedy
Grantor: Joseph Morningstar Estate
Volume: 83
Page: 127
Amount: $6000
Description (excerpts):
"All lands by deed dated May 31, 1976 from Ann M. Huberth and Charles M. Meyers, Co-executors of Joseph Morningstar Estate...
"All the same lands conveyed to Joseph Morningstar, deceased, by Hanford C. Davis by Executors deed dated 30 March 1971... Book 80, page 396 and therein described as follows:
"All the same lands conveyed to said Sophia Smalley and her late husband Carver Smalley, by J. W. and Louise S. Estabrook by deed dated 15 September, 1941, recorded in the Brandon Town Records Book 67 Page: 134 and therein described as:
"A piece of property located and situated next to and on the southerly side of the highway leading from Brandon Village to the store of John C. Bernor in the Village of Forestdale... and bounded as follows: on the north or northerly by said highway; on the east or easterly by lands owned by and occupied by George Holden; on the southerly and west or westerly by lands owned or occupied by Charles Capen, said to contain 3/4ths of a acre, be the same more or less.
"Reserving from the above a plot of 4' x 8' in the southwest corner of the premises herein conveyed, said plot being half the plot on which stands the so-called Davenport Monument."
Date: 8/31/1981
Grantee: Peter F. & Mary P. Kennedy
Grantor: Mary P. Kennedy
Volume: 86
Page: 90
Description (excerpts)
Same description as above. :
Date: 6/1/1989
Grantee: Alice Costello
Grantor: Peter F. Kennedy, Jennie Kennedy, & Mary P. Kennedy
Volume: 101
Page: 388-9
Description (excerpts)
"All the same lands and premises conveyed to the herein Grantors, Peter F. Kennedy and Mary P. Kennedy, by Warranty Deed of Mary P. Kennedy dated August 31, 1981, recorded in Book 86 at Page: 90 of the Brandon Land Records..."