Gund Affiliate, Environmental Scientist, San Francisco Estuary Institute

Martin Volaric is an Environmental Scientist at the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI), a non-governmental organization focused on the water quality of San Francisco Bay, CA. There he oversees an array of moored water quality sensors that monitor the health of the Bay, with an emphasis on understanding the mechanics of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs).

Martin also has extensive experience quantifying “blue carbon” sequestration of a variety of aquatic ecosystems, ranging from coral reefs to river deltas. He is an expert in aquatic eddy covariance flux measurements, a cutting-edge methodology for measuring the carbon metabolism of benthic aquatic systems.



  • Hogan S, Murphy EAK, Volaric MP, Castorani MCN, Berg P, Reidenbach MA. 2022. Quantifying the influence of oyster reefs on infauna and sediment spatial distributions within intertidal mudflats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 686: 91-106.
  • Banerjee D, Langberg K, Abbas S, Odermatt E, Yerramothu P, Volaric MP and others. 2021. A non-canonical signaling activity of cGAMP triggers DNA damage response. Nature Communications 12: 6207.
  • Volaric MP, Berg P, Reidenbach MA. 2020. Drivers of oyster reef ecosystem metabolism measured across multiple timescales. Estuaries and Coasts 43: 2034-2045.
  • Volaric MP, Berg P, Reidenbach MA. 2019. (Feature Article) An invasive macroalga impacts ecosystem metabolism and hydrodynamics on a tidal flat. Marine Ecology Progress Series 628: 1-16.
  • Volaric MP, Berg P, Reidenbach MA. 2018. Oxygen metabolism of intertidal oyster reefs measured by aquatic eddy covariance. Marine Ecology Progress Series 599: 75-91.

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Aquatic ecosystem metabolism, blue carbon, harmful algal blooms, water quality, hydrodynamics


  • PhD, Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
  • BS, Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
