Gund Affiliate, Library Associate Professor, Information and Instruction Librarian, University of Vermont

Laurie Kutner is a Library Associate Professor at the University of Vermont who has a secondary faculty appointment in the UVM Environmental Program.  She is an Information and Instruction Librarian who is the subject specialist that supports the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, Environmental Studies, Geography and Geosciences, Anthropology, and Global and Regional Studies.

As a specialist in environmental information, Professor Kutner focuses on the inherently interdisciplinary nature of environmental research.  She is interested in disparities in information access and production of scholarship on a global scale, and the implications of this within a broad environmental/ sustainability context.  She is affiliated with the Monteverde Institute in Costa Rica, has built digital collections that provide access to research-based materials generated there, and contributes to their educational mission through instruction regarding information equity issues from a Latin American vantage point. She advises on administration of their library.

Professor Kutner works with graduate students in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources and the Gund community to support their research and information needs, as they progress through their graduate programs and in-depth thesis/dissertation research.


  • Kutner, L. (2020). Bridging information worlds: Talking to Northern students and Southern scholars about global inequities in scholarly communication. International Journal of Information, Diversity, and Inclusion, 4(3/4), 70-80. doi:10.33137/ijidi.v4i3/4.33520
  • Kutner, L. (2019).  Undergraduate education abroad in community settings: Pedagogical opportunities for librarians.  In Yelena Luckert and Lindsay Taylor Inge (eds.), The Globalized Library: American Academic Libraries and International Students, Collections, and Practices. Chicago, IL: ACRL.
  • Witt, S. W., Kutner, L., & Cooper, L. (2015). Mapping academic library contributions to campus internationalization. College & Research Libraries, 76(5), 587-608. doi:10.5860/crl.76.5.587
  • Kutner, L., & Armstrong, A. (2012). Rethinking information literacy in a globalized world. Communications in Information Literacy, 6(1), 24-33. doi:10.15760/comminfolit.2012.6.1.115
  • Kutner, L. (2010). Study-abroad programs as information producers: An expanding role for support of our students studying abroad. Journal of Library Administration, 50(7/8), 767-778. doi:10.1080/01930826.2010.488962
  • Kutner, L. (2009). Think locally, act globally: Understanding home institution library engagement among study-abroad students. College & Research Libraries, 70(2), 158-176. doi:10.5860/0700158

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Information literacy; environmental information; global information inequity; international librarianship; Costa Rica


  • MLIS, Syracuse University
  • MA, Anthropology, Syracuse University
  • BA, Anthropology, SUNY Oneonta
