Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Soil mass and chemistry in 25 Catskill headwater catchments: Soil chemistry in forested Catskill headwater catchments

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  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Two soil pits were excavated in each of 25 small catchments in the Catskills region in the summer of 2011. One pit was located near the watershed outlet, while the other was located at an elevation approximately half way between the watershed outlet and the watershed crest. Samples were collected from the combined Oi and Oe horizons, the combined Oa and A horizons, the 0-10 cm mineral soil layer, the 10-20 cm mineral soil layer, the layer from 20 cm to bedrock or C horizon, and the C horizon where present. A “quantitive pit” approach was used to determine the mass of soil in each layer per square meter of land surface area. This allowed for the computation of element pools in the soils. Chemical analyses included total C and N, pH, exchangeable cations, organically bound Al and H, and total contents of 26 elements using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry. The methods and a summary of the results may be found in Johnson (2013, Annals of the New York Academy of Science, vol. 1298, pp. 30-42). These results are expected to be useful in future monitoring efforts through resampling of the study sites.


  • Charles Driscoll: Principal Investigator

  • Chris Johnson: Principal Investigator

  • Mary Margaret Koppers: Content Provider

  • Joy Damon: Content Provider


  • catskills, soil, soil chemistry, soil mass,


  • New York State Energy Research and Development Authority NYSERDA: funder
  • Syracuse University : lead

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    Data Table

    • Title: Soil chemistry in forested Catskill headwater catchments
    • Start Date: 2011-06-01
    • End Date: 2014-05-31
    • Description: For each soil layer sampled, the following data are included in the data set: soil mass (except C horizons); coarse fragment volume (except C horizons); bulk density (except O, C horizons); layer thickness (except O, C horizons); loss-on-ignition (500 oC); pH in water and 0,01M CaCl2; exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, Na, Al and H; effective cation exchange capacity (CECe); exchangeable acidity; effective base saturation; CuCl2-extractable Al; total acidity; total CEC (CECt); organically bound Al and H, total C and N; C:N ratio; and total Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, P, Ni, Cr, Sc, V, Ba, Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Nb, Ga, Cu, Zn, Pb, La, Ce, Th, Nd, and U. Stocks or pools of any element may be calculated by multiplying the concentrations by the corresponding soil masses.

    • Purpose:

    • Condensed Title: Z1279_2538_C73LDW

    • Object Name: VMC.1279.2538

    • Data Type: mySQL
    • Citation: Chris E. Johnson, Charles T. Driscoll, Mary Margaret Koppers, Chris Gianfagna, Sara Alesi (2018) Soil chemistry in forested Catskill headwater catchments. FEMC. Available online at:

    • Online Distribution:

    Attribute List

      Attribute Name: ADW
      • Label: ADW
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: kg/m2
      Attribute Name: Al2O3_Wt_Percent
      • Label: Al2O3_Wt_Percent
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: Al_CuCl2
      • Label: Al_CuCl2
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: Al_Org
      • Label: Al_Org
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: BaCl2_Acid
      • Label: BaCl2_Acid
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: Bases
      • Label: Bases
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: BaseSat
      • Label: BaseSat
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: percent
      Attribute Name: Ba_ppm
      • Label: Ba_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: BD
      • Label: BD
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: Mg/m2
      Attribute Name: CaO_Wt_Percent
      • Label: CaO_Wt_Percent
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: CECe
      • Label: CECe
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: CECe_Pool
      • Label: CECe_Pool
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/ha
      Attribute Name: CECt
      • Label: CECt
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: Ce_ppm
      • Label: Ce_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: CFV
      • Label: CFV
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.1
      • Unit: volume percent
      Attribute Name: Cr_ppm
      • Label: Cr_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: Cu_ppm
      • Label: Cu_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: C_LOI
      • Label: C_LOI
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: C_N
      • Label: C_N
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: C_Stock
      • Label: C_Stock
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: Mg/ha
      Attribute Name: C_Total
      • Label: C_Total
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: ExAl_KCl
      • Label: ExAl_KCl
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: ExAl_NH4
      • Label: ExAl_NH4
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: ExAl_Pool
      • Label: ExAl_Pool
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.1
      • Unit: kg/ha
      Attribute Name: ExCa
      • Label: ExCa
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: ExCa_Pool
      • Label: ExCa_Pool
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: kg/ha
      Attribute Name: ExH
      • Label: ExH
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: ExH_Pool
      • Label: ExH_Pool
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: kg/ha
      Attribute Name: ExK
      • Label: ExK
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: ExK_Pool
      • Label: ExK_Pool
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: kg/ha
      Attribute Name: ExMg
      • Label: ExMg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: ExMg_Pool
      • Label: ExMg_Pool
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: kg/ha
      Attribute Name: ExNa_Pool
      • Label: ExNa_Pool
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: ExNa
      • Label: ExNa
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: FeO*_Wt_Percent
      • Label: FeO*
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: Ga_ppm
      • Label: Ga_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: Horizon
      • Label: Horizon
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: H_Org
      • Label: H_Org
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: K2O_Wt_Percent
      • Label: K2O
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: KCL_Acid
      • Label: KCL_Acid
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: cmolc/kg
      Attribute Name: La_ppm
      • Label: La_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: LOI_Pct
      • Label: LOI_Pct
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: MgO_Wt_Percent
      • Label: MgO
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: MnO_Wt_Percent
      • Label: MnO
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.001
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: Na2O_Wt_Percent
      • Label: Na2O
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: Nb_ppm
      • Label: Nb_ppm
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: Nd_ppm
      • Label: Nd_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: Ni_ppm
      • Label: Ni_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: N_Stock
      • Label: N_Stock
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: kg/ha
      Attribute Name: N_Total
      • Label: N_Total
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: ODW
      • Label: ODW
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: kg/m2
      Attribute Name: OM
      • Label: OM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: kg/m2
      Attribute Name: P2O5_Wt_Percent
      • Label: P2O5
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.001
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: Pb_ppm
      • Label: Pb_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: pHs
      • Label: pHs
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: pHw
      • Label: pHw
      • Storage Type: decimal
      Attribute Name: PitNum
      • Label: PitNum
      • Storage Type: int
      Attribute Name: Rb_ppm
      • Label: Rb_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: Sc_ppm
      • Label: Sc_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: SiO2_Wt_Percent
      • Label: SiO2
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: Sr_ppm
      • Label: Sr_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: Th_ppm
      • Label: Th_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: TiO2_Wt_Percent
      • Label: TiO2
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.001
      • Unit: weight percent
      Attribute Name: U_ppm
      • Label: U_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: V_ppm
      • Label: V_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: Watershed
      • Label: Watershed
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Y_ppm
      • Label: Y_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: Zn_ppm
      • Label: Zn_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg
      Attribute Name: Zr_ppm
      • Label: Zr_ppm
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 1
      • Unit: mg/kg


    • No methods recorded for this dataset

    Sampling Equipment

    • No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset

    Site Characteristics

    • No site characteristics recorded for this dataset