Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Forest Environmental Monitoring (Canopy Tower): Raw Forest Canopy Meteorological Tower Data

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Metadata Provider

  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Long-term continuous measurements of meteorological variables, ozone and carbon dioxide in and above a hardwood forest canopy to use in relation with other biological or physical variables within the forest.


  • Tim Scherbatskoy: Content Provider

  • Carl Waite: Principal Investigator

  • Eric Miller: Content Provider

  • Gerry Livingston: Content Provider

  • Miriam Pendleton: Content Provider

  • James Duncan: Principal Investigator


  • canopies, flux, forest ecosystems, meteorology,

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates

Data Table

  • Title: Raw Forest Canopy Meteorological Tower Data
  • Start Date: 1992-08-13
  • Description: Meteorological data, including wind speed and direction, leaf wetness, temperature and humidity, collected at each of four heights from the forest floor to above the canopy at Proctor Maple Research Center. The canopy tower also captures measurements of solar radiation.

  • Purpose: Long-term continuous measurements of meteorological variables in and above a hardwood forest canopy to use in relation with other biological or physical variables within the forest.

  • Condensed Title: Z0043_0042_RAW

  • Object Name: VMC.43.42

  • Data Type: mySQL
  • Citation: Duncan J., and C. Waite. Raw Forest Canopy Meteorological Tower Data. University of Vermont. FEMC. Can be found at:

  • Online Distribution:

Attribute List

    Attribute Name: AirTemp
    • Label: AirTemp
    • Description: AirTemp
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    Attribute Name: Airtemp05
    • Label: Air temp at 5m
    • Description: Air temp at 5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: Airtemp12
    • Label: Air temp at 12m
    • Description: Air temp at 12m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: Airtemp16
    • Label: Air temp at 16m
    • Description: Air temp at 16m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    Attribute Name: Airtemp24
    • Label: Air temp at 24m
    • Description: Air temp at 24m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: Airtemp75
    • Label: Air temp at 7.5m
    • Description: Air temp at 7.5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: Date/Time
    • Label: Date/Time
    • Description: Date/Time
    • Storage Type: datetime
    • Measurment Type: datetime
    • String Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
    Attribute Name: doy
    • Label: Day of Year
    • Description: The day of the year of observation
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Standard Unit: nominalDay
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: nominalDay
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: horizws05
    • Label: horiz wind speed at 5m
    • Description: horiz wind speed at 5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: horizws12
    • Label: horiz wind speed at 12m
    • Description: horiz wind speed at 12m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: horizws16
    • Label: horiz wind speed at 16m
    • Description: horiz wind speed at 16m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: horizws24
    • Label: horiz wind speed at 24m
    • Description: horiz wind speed at 24m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: horizws75
    • Label: horiz wind speed at 7.5m
    • Description: horiz wind speed at 7.5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: Leafwet05
    • Label: Leafwet at 5m
    • Description: Leafwet at 5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: ohm
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1
    Attribute Name: Leafwet12
    • Label: Leafwet at 12m
    • Description: Leafwet at 12m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: ohm
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1
    Attribute Name: Leafwet16
    • Label: Leafwet at 16m
    • Description: Leafwet at 16m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: ohm
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1
    Attribute Name: Leafwet24
    • Label: Leafwet at 24m
    • Description: Leafwet at 24m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: ohm
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1
    Attribute Name: Leafwet75
    • Label: Leafwet a 7.5m
    • Description: Leafwet a 7.5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: ohm
      • Bounds:
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1
    Attribute Name: maxws05
    • Label: max wind speed at 5m
    • Description: max wind speed at 5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: maxws12
    • Label: max wind speed at 12m
    • Description: max wind speed at 12m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: maxws16
    • Label: max wind speed at 16m
    • Description: max wind speed at 16m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: maxws75
    • Label: max wind speed at 7.5m
    • Description: max wind speed at 7.5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: maxws24
    • Label: max wind speed at 24m
    • Description: max wind speed at 24m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: par
    • Label: Photo. Active Radiation (PAR)
    • Description: Photo. Active Radiation (PAR)
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: micromole per second per square meter
    Attribute Name: resulwd05
    • Label: resul wind direction at 5m
    • Description: resul wind direction at 5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: degrees
    Attribute Name: resulwd12
    • Label: resul wind direction at 12m
    • Description: resul wind direction at 12m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: degrees
    Attribute Name: resulwd16
    • Label: resul wind direction at 16m
    • Description: resul wind direction at 16m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: degrees
    Attribute Name: resulwd24
    • Label: resul wind direction at 24m
    • Description: resul wind direction at 24m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: degrees
    Attribute Name: resulwd75
    • Label: resul wind direction at 7.5m
    • Description: resul wind direction at 7.5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: degrees
    Attribute Name: resulws05
    • Label: resul wind speed at 5m
    • Description: resul wind speed at 5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: resulws12
    • Label: resul wind speed at 12m
    • Description: resul wind speed at 12m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: resulws16
    • Label: resul wind speed at 16m
    • Description: resul wind speed at 16m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: resulws24
    • Label: resul wind speed at 24m
    • Description: resul wind speed at 24m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: resulws75
    • Label: resul wind speed at 7.5m
    • Description: resul wind speed at 7.5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: meters per second
    Attribute Name: Rhumid05
    • Label: Rel humidity at 5m
    • Description: Rel humidity at 5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: percent
    Attribute Name: Rhumid12
    • Label: R humidity at 12m
    • Description: R humidity at 12m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: percent
    Attribute Name: Rhumid16
    • Label: Rel humidity at 16m
    • Description: Rel humidity at 16m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: percent
    Attribute Name: Rhumid24
    • Label: Rel humidity at 24m
    • Description: Rel humidity at 24m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: percent
    Attribute Name: Rhumid75
    • Label: Rel humidity at 7.5m
    • Description: Rel humidity at 7.5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: percent
    Attribute Name: sdevwd05
    • Label: std dev wind direction at 5m
    • Description: std dev wind direction at 5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: degrees
    Attribute Name: sdevwd12
    • Label: std dev wind direction at 12m
    • Description: std dev wind direction at 12m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: degrees
    Attribute Name: sdevwd16
    • Label: std dev wind direction at 16m
    • Description: std dev wind direction at 16m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: degrees
    Attribute Name: sdevwd24
    • Label: std dev wind direction at 24m
    • Description: std dev wind direction at 24m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: degrees
    Attribute Name: sdevwd75
    • Label: std dev wind direction at 7.5m
    • Description: std dev wind direction at 7.5m
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: degrees
    Attribute Name: SoilTemp1
    • Label: Plot 1: Soil Temperature (2 cm above ground)
    • Description: Plot 1: Soil Temperature (2 cm above ground)
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: SoilTemp2
    • Label: Plot 1: Soil Temperature (5 cm)
    • Description: Plot 1: Soil Temperature (5 cm)
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: SoilTemp3
    • Label: Plot 1: Soil Temperature (15 cm)
    • Description: Plot 1: Soil Temperature (15 cm)
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: SoilTemp4
    • Label: Plot 1: Soil Temperature (30 cm)
    • Description: Plot 1: Soil Temperature (30 cm)
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: Soiltemp5
    • Label: Plot 2: Soil Temperature (2 cm above ground)
    • Description: Plot 2: Soil Temperature (2 cm above ground)
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: Soiltemp6
    • Label: Plot 2: Soil Temperature (5 cm)
    • Description: Plot 2: Soil Temperature (5 cm)
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: SoilTemp7
    • Label: Plot 2: Soil Temperature (15 cm)
    • Description: Plot 2: Soil Temperature (15 cm)
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: SoilTemp8
    • Label: Plot 2: Soil Temperature (30 cm)
    • Description: Plot 2: Soil Temperature (30 cm)
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: interval
    • Unit: celsius
    Attribute Name: Time
    • Label: Time
    • Description: Time
    • Storage Type: datetime
    • Measurment Type: datetime
    Attribute Name: totalrad
    • Label: total radiation
    • Description: total radiation
    • Storage Type: decimal
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Unit: kilowatt per square meter
    Attribute Name: UVB
    • Label: Ultraviolet B
    • Description: Ultraviolet B
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: interval
    Attribute Name: Notes
    • Label: Notes
    • Description: Notes
    • Storage Type: text


  • Current Methods
    • Meteorological and ozone data
      • Started: 1992-07-07
      • Method Description: Meteorology and ozone data collected at five heights: 0.5, 7.5, 12, 16, and 24 m. Continuous measurements averaged quarter-hourly; hourly and daily averages computed. Year-round measurements for meteorology and soil; April-October measurements of ozone.

    • Measurements
      • Started: 1992-07-07
      • Method Description: Measurements include: ambient air temperature, relative humidity, surface wetness, wind speed, direction and direction variance, PAR, total irradiance, and UV-B at 24 m, ozone concentration, soil temperature and snow depth.

    • Unnamed Method
      • Method Description: CO2 flux and concentration measurements ended in September 2000.

  • Past Methods (no longer in use)
    • CO2 analysis
      • Started: 1999-05-01
        Ended: 1999-12-30
      • Method Description: CO2 concentration in air and analysis of CO2 flux using micrometeorological methods at top of canopy.

    • CO2 flux
      • Started: 1999-05-01
        Ended: 1999-12-30
      • Method Description: CO2 flux from soil using monthly soda-lime chamber method.

    • Vegetation mapping
      • Started: 1999-05-01
        Ended: 1999-12-30
      • Method Description: Mapping of vegetation within 100 meters of forest tower.

    • Unnamed Method
      • Started: 1992-07-07
        Ended: 1999-08-01
      • Method Description: Ozone measurements ended in August 1999.

    • Unnamed Method
      • Started: 1992-07-07
        Ended: 2000-07-01
      • Method Description: UV-B measurements ended in July 2000.

    • Unnamed Method
      • Started: 1992-07-07
        Ended: 2001-07-13
      • Method Description: Instrumentation was removed from the 12 meter level on July 13, 2001.

Sampling Equipment

  • No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset

Site Characteristics

  • Site Description: Proctor Maple Research Center on the west slope of Mount Mansfield, with a west/southwest aspect on a 2% slope; forest canopy tower 71 ft. (22m) height. Surrounding forest is intermediate-aged northern hardwood, with Lyman-Marlow association soil type..