Crew: JT and MF Visit Date: 07/22/2019 South side retrieved at 2:30 PM Began retrieval at 2:20 PM Deployed on 07/22/2019 set to log at 03:30 PM Initial Manual Depth =.54 m Final Depth = 0.95 m North side retrieved at 1515 Began retrieval at 1500 Sensor set to measure 2.5 intervals with 10 minute filters this will give us approximately 37.6 days of memory Deployed on 07/22/2019 set to log at 04:00 PM Initial Manual Depth = .56 m Final Depth = 1.26 m General Notes: Cloudy day with some minor rain in short increments. The south side has gotten ridicolously grassy. May be difficult to see sensor. We placed it in water with no reeds. Sensors were moved deeper into the water, roughly 20 - 35 feet from the original location for both sides due to water levels dropping. The initial depths were measured from the location the sensors were currently at upon arrival. The final depths were the depths at the location the sensors were moved to. The sensors were both set to measure 2.5 intervals with 10 minute filters this will give us approximately 37.6 days of memory. South New Coordinates: 44.6331185,-73.2651213 North New Coordinates: 44.6349153,-73.2642777