S10 Sapling Mapping data notes The original instructions for this study specified recording condition as only COND 0 or 1 rather than the 0-6 used elsewhere. Over the years conditions proliferated and values for S10 COND now run 0-9, as follows (the great majority being still 0 or 1): 0: alive 1: dead 2: cull 3: dead top 4: almost dead 5: dead, still standing 6: dead and down 7: outgrowth 8: beaver (quadrat 3E1 only) 9: TSI (harvest blocks only) STATION indicates the flag from which each sapling was sighted and recorded but sightlines and terrain make it impossible to take observations from each flag systematically. Therefore STATION is not a reliable description of sapling location; rather, it should be considered part of each sapling's identifier.