Calendar Event

Climate Fresk

Nov 29, 2023
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Votey Hall 207

Climate Fresk:
a science based (IPCC) workshop with 42 cards (adults) based upon collaboration, collective intelligence and active learning.
Up to eight participants are working together around a table with one facilitator (that can facilitate up to 2 tables). At first, the participants need to arrange the cards according to Causes and Consequences (5 sets of cards). During the second part of the workshop they decorate their "fresk" for anchoring the new knowledge and reflect on their feelings; finally they brainstorm on which actions they want to take on a personal and collective level, following what they have learned.
It is a powerful way to raise awareness about the Climate crisis and to engage the participants to take action while reducing climate anxiety and generating optimism in collective action.

Price: No, none
Website: none

For more information, contact Jonathan Bradley, Political Sc at 702.376.9386 or

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