What is Faculty Insight and what is it used for?
Faculty Insight is a search tool that enables scholars to find experts at their institution to collaborate with. Scholar profiles are populated with recent activity sourced from Academic Analytics data; some institutions opt to supplement this with institutional data. This includes articles, books, grants, awards, conference proceedings, and patents. In addition to being able to make corrections and additions to their data, scholars can also add additional activity not currently captured.
How does the keyword search work?
The keyword search uses natural language processing techniques and targeted algorithms to compare keyword(s) against profile data and identify relevant scholars and grant opportunities.
How do you determine a scholar's key terms?
Academic Analytics generates a set of key research terms for each scholar by comparing productivity data for a given scholar against all available productivity data. The more times a term appears in a specific scholar’s productivity data, relative to the number of times the term appears in all productivity data in the collection, the more closely associated the term is to the scholar.
Are these data used to evaluate me?
The purpose of Faculty Insight is to facilitate research and collaboration among scholars at your institution. Faculty Insight does not contain any evaluative metrics or benchmark data and is not intended for use as an evaluative tool.
How do I edit my profile?
Scholars can edit their profiles by going to My Profile in the top left corner menu in Faculty Insight. To add or edit a Research Summary, Research Interest, or Keywords, click the edit icon (pencil and paper) in the top right of the scholar’s profile page. To add academic activity, click the “+ Add Activity” link at the top left of the Works tab on the given scholar’s page, and select the type of activity to get started. Scholars may request changes to Academic Analytics data by clicking the source link and sending an email to the product quality team.
Why are some items missing from my profile and how do I add them?
Academic Analytics continually updates its faculty activity data, but scholars are encouraged to manually augment their profile using the editing tool as described in the “How do I edit my profile” section above.
Where are the Academic Analytics data in my profile coming from?
Academic Analytics compiles data from federal, university, and private sources. Article and conference proceeding publication data are obtained directly from publishers, using digital object identifiers (DOI®). Citation data are derived via DOI®-to-DOI® linkages based on the literature-cited section of published journal articles and conference proceedings. Book data are collected from the British Library catalog and Baker and Taylor, Inc. Grant data are collected from federal granting agencies and select private sources. Patent data are obtained from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, as well as the World Intellectual Property Organization. Honorific awards information is derived from publicly available data from governing societies. Performance and exhibit data can be added directly to Faculty Insight by scholars. Any additional data are being provided by your institution.
Where do funding opportunities come from?
Scholar profile keywords are matched to funding opportunity data collected by Academic Analytics. Grant opportunities are updated daily and contain approximately 5,000 open funding opportunities from almost 9,000 public and private entities.
Finding Funding
Academic Analytics provides funding opportunities and a way to do a quick search for funding, but it is not UVM’s primary funding tool. For a wider scope of results and more in-depth searching options, UVM provides access to Pivot-RP.
Pivot-RP is a funding database that brings together thousands of opportunities representing tens of billions of dollars in available funding from federal, non-federal, and international sponsors in all disciplines. Results are updated daily, and users have the capability to search the database using several methods, allowing for either broad or specific results. You can track opportunities to ensure that you are notified about upcoming deadlines and any changes to the funding profile, set up saved dynamic searches that will email you weekly with updated results, and easily browse through opportunities belonging to a particular funder. With these tools and more, Pivot-RP helps scholars navigate and organize thousands of results so that they can find the funding relevant to their research.
To learn more and create an account, please visit the Sponsored Project Administration’s page, Pivot Funding & Collaboration Tool (Searchable Databases). If you have questions or would like to schedule a Pivot-RP tutorial, please contact: Cailey Biles, Grant Resources Coordinator.