The Autism Collaborative research contact list connects researchers and participants, and provides advice on designing research projects.

Text: Join the Research Contact listWhat is the goal of the UVM Autism Collaborative research contact list?

The Collaborative hopes to create an inclusive environment for the community and researchers alike. The research contact list helps researchers find participants for autism research. Members of the research contact list also advise on designing research projects.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Autism Collaborative research contact list

Who can join the research contact list?

Anybody interested in helping with autism research can join. This includes autistic adults/persons with autism, friends, family and professionals.

What happens after you join the research contact list?

By joining, you authorize us to contact you when we need help with a research study. You are not obligated to participate in any study, and will be provided with more information to help you decide if you want to join a study.

What do you do with my data when I apply to join the list?

Your contact and demographic information is kept in a secure, password protected, University of Vermont database and will only be shared with affiliated researchers when they need to contact you.

What if I want to leave the research contact list?

What if I no longer want to be a part of the UVM-AC Research Contact List?

Your information is kept for five years unless you ask to be removed from the list when we contact you. You can contact Liliane Savard, UVM Autism Collaborative Project Director with any questions or to ask to unsubscribe at (802) 522-3615.

UVM Autism Collaborative logo

Interested in recruiting for your research?

Only UVM Autism Collaborative members can recruit from the research contact list. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Dr. Liliane Savard via our contact form, or by phone, at (802) 522-3615.