Autistic Research Partner

Zeph (they/them) is an adult-diagnosed, queer Autistic disabled with C/PTSD, Agoraphobia, and Functional Neurological Disorder consequent from undiagnosed Autism. First suspecting they were Autistic in 2016 at the age of 51, it would take over two years and Autistic Burnout to receive an Autism diagnosis. It would take another three years to gain access to services for adult-diagnosed Autistics.

Zeph is great at finding gaps in services for adult Autistics and welcomes the opportunity to inform and guide PCOR.

Research on missed/adult diagnoses, supports for adult-diagnosed Autistics, and adult Autism awareness/identification are of special interest.

Zeph: a black and white headshot of a non-binary person in makeup, a beret, large earrings and a chunky necklace. They smile broadly at the camera.
