For generations we have been equipping citizens to make a positive impact on a local and global scale. At the same time, we're progressive, integrating traditional studies like archaeology with contemporary topics. A UVM anthropology degree will give you a firm grounding in the discipline and beyond.
Discover and Explore What Makes Us Special

First-rate Faculty
Our faculty are deeply committed to cutting-edge research, scholarship, and providing a first-rate undergraduate education: an education that develops analytical and problem solving skills that are in high demand today in any profession.

Classrooms Without Walls
Anthropology is a living discipline, and the classroom at UVM extends to many locations here in Vermont and abroad. Faculty in our department regularly teach topical classes related to their ongoing research, and students often collaborate with their instructors on cutting edge research.

A Holistic Approach
Drawing on the interdisciplinary four-field tradition, which includes archaeological, biological, cultural, and linguistic anthropologies, we emphasize contemporary anthropological theory, research methods, and ethical practices, with the goal of preparing students to think critically.