Launch a Job Search
The Career Center offers many resources to help you prepare for your job search. Review our job search prep guides that cover everything from creating a resume to interviewing and negotiating your salary. Handshake is a great place to start your search, but industry-specific databases can help you find more opportunities. Depending on your specific interests, you may want to consult the following sites:
- UVM Medical Center - Health Careers
- Allied Health - Allied Health Careers OR Healthcare Job Site
- VT Dept of Health - Careers
- Public Health - Public Health Jobs OR APHA Professional Development
- Global Health - Global Health Job Board
- Pharmaceutical, biotech, and science sectors - Medzilla
Pursue Medical or Dental School
Students and alums interested in applying to medical or dental school should plan to complete a Health Professions Portfolio the year before they plan to apply to programs. UVM’s Health Professions Portfolio+ process affords UVM students and alums an innovative approach to comprehensive preparation for medical/dental school. This process promotes intentional growth and deep reflection through the creation of a robust portfolio reflecting your academic accomplishments, community engagement, patient contact hours, research endeavors, general competencies, and motivating drivers.
In addition to the completion of their portfolio, students and alums applying to medical or dental are encouraged to take advantage of a Readiness Assessment Discussion (RAD) with the Health Professions Advisor. This candid evaluation of the portfolio helps direct the candidate’s professional development and personal goal setting. Learn more by visiting UVM’s Pre-Med Advising website.
Apply to Graduate School
If you plan to pursue a graduate program, consult the Career Center’s guide to applying to graduate school. You will learn more about how to determine whether graduate school is the right path for you, how to find and identify programs of interest, and gain an understanding of the key application components.
Join Our Interest Group
Join the Health Professions Interest Group (HPIG) to receive The Steady-Pulse – a twice-monthly newsletter ensuring you’ll never miss a beat on valuable insights and great opportunities. And, check out the hundreds of alums in health professions who are on UVM Connect and are willing to help you on your path.
Join the Health Professions Interest Group (HPIG)
Activate your UVM Connect profile & select Health Professions as your Career Interest Group. Join additional groups (as many as you'd like) using the Groups link on the left.