Kevin J. Connors, Director
USDA, APHIS, PPQ - Minnesota
900 American Blvd. East,
Nath Bldg., Rm 101
Bloomington, MN 55420
Phone: 952-814-1071
Cell: 612-759-5005
Email: kevin.j.connors@aphis.usda.gov
Valerie Cervenka, Forest Health Program Coordinator
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155
Phone: 651-259-5269
Email: val.cervenka@state.mn.us
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
“Arrest the Pest” Hotline
651-201-6684 - Metro Area
1-888-545-6684 - Greater Minnesota
Email: Arrest.The.Pest@state.mn.us