Tree biodiversity in farmer cooperatives of a shade coffee landscape in western El Salvador

Méndez, V. E., S.R. Gliessman, and G.S. Gilbert | September 20, 2007 |

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119(1-2):145-159 (IF: 3.004; R: 1 of 57 in Agriculture, Multidisciplinary; TC: 35).

Agroecología: promoviendo una transición hacia la sostenibilidad (Agroecology: promoting a transition towards sustainability)

Gliessman, S. R., F. Rosado-May, C. Guadarrama-Zugasti, J. Jedlicka, A. Cohn, V. E. Méndez, R. Cohen, L. Trujillo, C. Bacon & R. Jaffe | September 12, 2007 |

Ecosistemas (Spain) 16(1): 13-28 (TC:18).