UVM’s Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative (ALC) Strengthens International Collaborations on Transformative Agroecology
The ALC is excited to share the news that we have signed collaborative Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with 4 international organizations, as follows: Groundswell International, a network of organizations from Africa, the Americas and Asia, with a U.S. coordinating office, working on agroecology and sustainable local food systems; The Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR), based at Coventry University, in the United Kingdom; The Agroecology Group, in the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Society at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), a research center based in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico; and Statistics for Sustainable Development (Stats4SD), an organization based in Reading, United Kingdom. These collaborative pursuits were sought because of strong alignments in our mission and vision, as related to research, education and outreach in agroecology. All of us are committed to working on transformative and inclusive approaches to agroecology, which seek to achieve an ecologically sound and socially just agrifood system. We believe that this goal can only be reached through strong collaborations among like-minded people and organizations.