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conjunctions (le congiunzioni)

Conjunctions join words and sentences together. Some of them are simple and common and don't cause any trouble--such as "e" and "o." Some other, longer ones require the use of the subjunctive. They are:

benché, sebbene, malgrado, nonostante, quantunque
(all mean: although, in spite of, even though)

purché, a patto che, a condizione che
(all mean: provided that)

nel caso che (in case)

Some others require the use of the subjunctive only if the subject of the main verb and the subject of the subjunctive are different; if the subjects are the same, the infinitive is required. They are:

affinché, perché, cosicché, in modo che (in order to, so that)
senza che (without)
prima che (before)


1. scegli la congiunzione giusta (Natalia Ginzburg, Lessico famigliare)