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WRUV Manifesto:
An updated version is on it's way
WRUV exists, in general, to provide an educational broadcast over the airwaves. To be more specific, WRUV fills the voids in local (Burlington, Vermont, USA) radio. More than likely, if you can hear it on WRUV, you cannot hear it from any other local outlet. The few exceptions to this are Hip Hop, which is a major staple on MTV, our seasonal UVM home game hockey broadcasts, which sometimes are also played on another station and our oldies show... which is music 5 years or later older... which seems to be the staple of most local music outlets ;)
We also serve our community with Public Service Announcements, news and weather, a WRUv ride board, and by providing opportunities for anyone in the community to join us and learn what they can about the radio broadcast world.

Station Policies:
It is necessary to have general station policies in place to keep a certain amount of control over operations and the facilities. No one in their right mind should expect a group of humans to be without some faulty actions or problems. Theft of music tends to be a major problem with many stations that try to trust their staff and guests without adding a strong security system of some sort.
But ya just gotta put your fist down at times and have some bad guy rules. Though most of our policies are sort of in house information, ruling over the DJ guest policy, theft and no-borrowing provisions, one rule that would apply to you if you were at one time a staff member and intend on doing some extraneous radio:
We now have a friends of WRUV program. Any person who has gone through training in the past and was admitted as WRUV STAFF and is still in good standing with the station, should fill out a show request form, each semester they intend to be available, to give us their info, and just state that you want to be on the "Friends of WRUV" list. You will be informed of your status, much like the general staff applying for their regular shows.