As depicted below the major components of the supportive classroom model are: the core concepts of trust, sharing, belonging and respect; class norms; collaborative skill instruction; entry routines; and a student support process.

In supportive classrooms
• The core concepts of trust, sharing, belonging and respect are taught, modeled and practiced throughout the school day.
• Classroom norms (e.g., cooperate and help each other; respect self/others/property) are developed jointly by students and instructors to provide a general set of behavior expectations that support the core concepts of trust, sharing, belonging and respect.
• Collaborative skill instruction and practice on skills that support the class norms are integrated into activities throughout the day.
• Entry routines are used to promote a sense of recognition and belonging, prepare students to concentrate on learning, and facilitate positive transitions from home to school and between activities or classes.
• A student support process is used to develop Success Plans for each student based upon their strengths, interests and needs. For students who present intensive behavior or learning challenges positive behavior plans and/or activity inclusion plans are also developed to maximize their participation in classroom and other school and community activities.