From Men's Journal:

About two years ago, Paul Budnitz pulled up stakes and moved to Burlington, Vermont. Nothing unusual about that — this city of 42,000 on the eastern shore of Lake Champlain has long attracted outdoorsy young families. What is unusual is where Budnitz moved from: Boulder, Colorado.

You don't often hear of people fleeing Colorado's technology and outdoors mecca. But Budnitz, founder of the grown-up toy company Kidrobot and the handmade bicycle manufacturer Budnitz Bicycles, didn't care for the way his city was changing. "It started to feel too Silicon Valley-ish — quite wealthy and getting more so," he says. So he moved to Burlington.

Not only was he able to find investors for his social-media venture, Ello, Budnitz also discovered the kind of community he thought no longer existed. "Working in Vermont helps inspire original thinking," he says. "Vermont is the America that didn't get screwed up. It's just doing its thing — either 40 years behind or 40 years ahead of everyone else, depending how you look at it."  Read the rest of this article on Men's Journal's website.


Megan Morley Thomas