The UVM Agricultural Testing Lab will assist vegetable farmers with assessment of post-flood soil conditions in their fields. On request, they will speed up their turn-around on both routine soil fertility tests and heavy metal tests, with results available in a matter of days. They offer both a heavy metals screening as an add-on to the routine fertility test and a heavy metals test that is similar to something an environmental lab would run. Choose the latter if possible metal contamination is your only concern. The heavy metal screening that accompanies the fertility test will inform you whether or not a metals problems exists (the environmental test will give more precise concentrations). Both tests are now being offered at no-charge to Vermont farms for flooded fields only, make a note on the yellow soil questionnaire submitted with sample that the soil is from a flooded field. The form, and regular price info for soil tests is available online:, or call (802) 656-3030.


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