As we celebrate the end of this academic year, it is a great opportunity to reflect on the commitment to community engagement that CDAE students and faculty have continued to grow. CDAE students and faculty partnered with over 30 different local and international community partners through nine designated service-learning courses in Spring 2010.

These partnerships have led to renewable energy projects in Dominica and media campaigns for local non-profit organizations such as the New England Grassroots Environment Fund and the Intervale Center. Students in Professor Tom Patterson’s CDAE 124: Public Communication Media course worked with 11 partners on a variety of media projects ranging from creating brochures and videos to designing informational community garden signs for the Burlington Parks and Recreation Department. Professor Asim Zia's CDAE 295: Sustainable Development Policy course examined UVM's policies related to social components of sustainable development through a pilot of the new sustainability assessment system for higher education (STARS) in collaboration with the UVM Office of Sustainability.

Looking for a hands-on opportunity to apply theory and skills from the classroom to solve real world problems? Consider taking one of these service-learning courses next Fall:

  • CDAE 120: Strategic Writing for Public Communication
  • CDAE 195: Media Production for Social Change
  • CDAE 195: Writing for Social Change
  • CDAE 195: Sustainable Development: Island Communities in St. Lucia
  • CDAE 295: Community Design Studio
  • CDAE 295: Local Community Initiatives
  • CDAE 295: Sustainable Development Policy


Kelly Hamshaw