2015-2016 Officers

Chancellor: Sarah Zeger

My name is Sarah and I am currently a Junior studying Animal Science with aspirations of attending veterinary school upon the completion of my undergraduate degree. I would like you to consider electing me as chancellor for the 2015-16 school year. I learned a lot serving as the censor for the Green Mountain chapter this year, and also have experience serving as co-president for the pre-vet club. Additionally, I had the privilege of attending the Alpha Zeta National Agricultural Leadership Conference this past March. At this event, I was able to meet AZ brothers from across the country and learn what other chapters are up to. I have come back from the conference with new ideas about how we can grow as a chapter and am excited to continue to find new ways that we can serve our community. I look forward to seeing what our chapter will do in the coming year! Thank you for your consideration.

Censor: Sydney Friedman

I am a junior animal science major with a pre-veterinary concentration. I am very interested in running for the Censor position. Being an Alpha Zeta officer this previous year has been an incredible experience. I learned so much about leadership and agriculture, but I also learned how we could make our chapter better and more active in our community. If I am elected, I will use my knowledge to put those new ideas into action.

Chronicler: Emily Vayda

As a biochemistry major, as well as a nutrition and community/international development minor, I have dedicated my time at UVM to academics as well as service. The past few years have included roles as a Residential Advisor, PreHealth Peer Mentor, and treasurer then eventually president of Campus Kitchens, a student group that prepares and delivers the Sunday meal at the Chittenden Food Shelf. Other experiences with shadowing doctors, working in a lab, and working with Dengue Fever research, has furthered my aspirations of becoming a family practice physician. My back up plan is following the path of public health or food systems, which I have developed through my work at Shelburne Farms. I hope to becoming part of the Alpha Zeta officer team to utilize my skills as a leader and contribute to the overall goal of service and agriculture at the University of Vermont. As Chronicler, I would use my social media, and photography skills to maintain an invested presence at all events in order to share the important work AZ is doing for the community. Beyond that, I just would love to be involved in contributing service ideas and working with a great team of students!

Scribe: Jessica Bachmann

Hi! My name is Jessie Bachmann and I am running for the position of Scribe. I am a sophomore in CALS and the Honors College, and I am an Animal Science major on the Pre-veterinary track. In the future, I plan on attending Veterinary School in order to become a large animal veterinarian! I would like to be scribe because I would love to become more involved with Alpha Zeta, and I feel as though I would make a very effective scribe. I have tons of secretary experience-I am the current secretary for CREAM, I was secretary for NHS in high school, and I was secretary for 4-H on a club, county, and state level. I am very thorough with my records and can be counted on for the sharing of prompt and accurate information.

Treasurer: CJ Buzzy

My name is Cj Buzzy and I am a senior (graduating in Fall 2015) Ecological Agriculture major. My interests lie mostly in fermentation sciences. I have been working at a winery for a little over a year and will be there again this summer. I see myself continuing onto further education in some capacity. This past year with Alpha Zeta (as Sergeant at Arms, then Treasurer) has taught me a lot and given me an idea the direction that I would like to see our organization go. It is truly inspiring to see what can happen when so many like minded people get together and I hope to once again be part of leading these efforts. Fraternally yours, CJ.

Sergeant-at-Arms: Ellie Fortner-Buczala

Hello! My name is Eleanor Fortner Buczala and I would like to run for the positions of Outgoing Censor, Outgoing Scribe, and Sergeant-at-Arms for the Alpha Zeta Fraternity. I am a duel major of Microbiology and molecular genetics with a chemistry minor. In the future I hope to study the effects of microorganisms in soil and how they affect plant growth and fertility. I also hope to study how the digestion of food changes the microbiome of the body. I want to hold a position as an officer because I want to have Alpha Zeta more involved in the UVM community and have Alpha Zeta be more of a community within itself. Thank you for giving me this opportunity!!

Sergeant-at-Arms 2: Rheannon Burris

My name is Rheannon Burris and I am soon to be a senior Animal Science major with a minor in Chemistry. I am hoping to become a veterinarian after graduating UVM, as working with animals of all kinds is my passion. I would love to be considered for the position of Chronicler or Sergeant-at-arms because while I am new to Alpha Zeta and have just recently been getting more involved here at UVM, I feel like I would have a lot to give. I was recently accepted into summer CREAM and am excited to develop my cooperative and leadership skills in that program soon. I am hard working, eager to grow in areas of organization and working with others, and interested in helping the community. I feel that I could get a lot out of AZ and am looking forward to a fun year!