Officers 2011-2012


Chancellor: Graham Glauber, Chancellor
     Hello All! My name is Graham Glauber and I am going into my senior year here at UVM as a Sustainable Landscape Horticulture major. I am currently running for president of Alpha Zeta, and hope you’ll take a few minutes to find out why I am an excellent candidate for the position.
   As a student that majors within the Plant and Soil Science Department, I am very green-minded and eco friendly person with a solid base in sustainable food systems and horticulture. Presently I am actively involved with our on campus food systems, and have planned, built, and implemented a series of raised beds gardens with the GreenHouse living community on Athletic campus. In just a few short months, the beds will be supplying residents with fresh and healthy vegetables and herbs for use in community events and guilds. Likewise, I will be applying my knowledge of raised bed gardening to residences of my own community in New York, when I return home this summer to work as crew foreman for a family run nursery and landscape company.
     I’m responsible and organized. My position as a foreman and supervisor in the landscape company requires me to coordinate and maintain several groups of laborers and two distinct crews, each with their own set of equipment and materials. I ensure that our operation runs smoothly and efficiently day in and day out, and am well versed in both the administrative and the “in the field” ends of the business. When not out on a job site, I’m sure to be devoting my time to serving my community.
     I perform acts of community service because I want to, not because I have to. Each year I log over 100 hours of service to my hometown of Bedford, New York acting as a server of food to homeless for the midnight run, helping with roadside clean up of the local roads and parks, and serving as a volunteer firefighter and department officer. I am very involved in the emergency services, and aside from being an “Engineer” personally in charge of over $700,000 of fire department equipment and property, I answer many calls for help annually ranging from car accidents, to animal rescues, to structure fires.
     I’m a people person, and love helping others. I look forward to applying my experiences, knowledge, and skills to make our Green Mountain chapter of Alpha Zeta everything it should be, and hope you think the same. Thank you for your time, and your vote!


Censor: Michele Langone

     My name is Michele Langone and I’m a senior majoring in Sustainable Landscape Horticulture. I was inducted into Alpha Zeta in March and am interested in running for the position of Censor. I was a member of student government for 3 years in high school, and was also team captain for my indoor and outdoor track teams, so I know the responsibilities that come with a leadership position. At UVM, I am a member of the Honors College and am also a peer mentor for the Honors College, as well as a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. I was on the Week of Welcome Crew where I helped coordinate the festivities for the incoming first year students during their first week at UVM. I am also a member of the Varsity track team and a member of the Horticulture Club.
     Throughout high school and college I have developed strong leadership skills and good time management practices that have helped me stay on top of all my extra-curricular activities as well as my school work. Over the summer I worked at a garden center in Massachusetts where I helped with customer service, took orders for floral arrangements and landscaping orders, and learned a lot about the field of horticulture and landscaping. I really enjoyed my time there and am looking forward to going back this summer to learn more. I am interested in the field of landscape design and hope to one day work for a landscape design firm somewhere along the East Coast. I would like to be Censor of Alpha Zeta’s Green Mountain Chapter to further grow as a leader and to help the chapter be the best it can be.


Scribe: Meagan DiVito

     My name is Meagan DiVito and I am a senior Dietetics major enrolled in the Honors College. With my degree I would like to become a Registered Dietitian and work in the neonatal intensive care unit to help premature infants develop properly. I also have an interest in pediatric nutrition. I am currently the treasurer/secretary for the Student Dietetics Association as well as a member of the Quidditch team. Next year I will be an RA in L/L's Arts Initiative.
     I would like to run for the position of Scribe because I have experience with it and hope to help the other officers plan events and activities. I recently participated in Relay for Life and would like to help get a team together again next year. I feel that I am qualified for this position and that I will be able to work well with the other officers to create a great team!


Treasurer: Sam Hoadley

     My name is Sam Hoadley and I would like to run for the position of Treasurer in the AZ Green Mountain Chapter. I have experience with leadership in both the Boy Scouts and in Athletic Teams and I would like to learn more and gain experience in leadership through this position. I am a senior Sustainable Landscape Horticulture student and a member of the Vermont Varsity Track Team. I am a hard worker and I am dedicated to all of my endeavors, Thank you for your consideration for the position of Treasurer in the upcoming elections.


Chronicler: Molly Bortin

     My name is Molly Bortin, and I am currently a senior majoring in Dietetics. I am an active member of various organizations on campus. I participate in DREAM, a mentoring program for less fortunate children ranging from ages 4-18 in the Winooski area. Through the DREAM organization and Hillel on campus, I take part in many community service activities including volunteering at a local synagogue and participating in fund-raising events such as bake sales and car washes. Although academics are my number one priority, I'm dedicated to all extra-curricular activities I pursue. I have held many leadership role positions in the past, and I enjoy working with others. Most importantly, I am organized and believe I have the skills it takes to help create a successful year for Alpha Zeta that is full of fun and productive activities. As a new member, I am excited to get to know everyone within the society!


Sergeant-at-Arms-1: Jeff Deacon

    My name is Jeff Deacon and I am entering my senior year at UVM pursuing a Nutrition and Food Sciences degree. I transferred to UVM in the fall semester of 2010 after attending Southern Connecticut State University for a spring semester and Connecticut College for three semesters. I grew up in Guilford, Connecticut and graduated from Guilford High School where I served as the Captain of the tennis team and played the cello for the GHS Orchestra.
    As soon as I arrived at UVM I became involved in several organizations and activities that revolved around my interests, including the non-profit Campus Kitchens Project. I have found the UVM community to be both supportive and enthusiastic in every aspect and I look forward to continue and expand upon my involvement by serving as the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Green Mountain Chapter of Alpha Zeta.

Sergeant-at-Arms-2: Kira Benson

My name is Kira Benson and I am a senior molecular genetics major with an animal science minor in the Honors College. I hope to one day become a physician and work with underserved populations in the U.S. and abroad. I am a member of the UVM dressage team and have a horse, Nova, that lives at the UVM co-op barn. I am also on the peer conduct board and a CALS Rep. I look forward to working with everyone in the Green Mountain chapter of Alpa Zeta this year.


Advisor: Mark Starrett