Officers 2006-2007

Chancellor& Scribe: Lacey LaBonte

     I am a junior, Dietetics major from Wilmington, Vermont.  I am pre-med and plan to get my RD (Registered Dietitian) before going on to medical school.  I would like to eventually have my own private practice as an MD/RD.


Censor: Beth Donoghue

     My major is animal science, with a pre-veterinary concentration. I hope to take the experience I've gained at UVM to a veterinary college, where I hope to study both small animal medicine as well as ruminant medicine. Ideally, I'd like to work in an environment that would allow me to work with both small domestic animals as well as ruminants.


Nathaniel Moore

     I am from Canandaigua, NY and I'm a senior in Biological Sciences. Currently I am co-director of Alternative Spring Break, a Student Ambassador for the Office of Alumni Relations, a Backcountry Wilderness Leader in UVM Outing Club and have been an Orientation Leader during the past two summers for the Office of Orientation and Parent Relations.


Chronicler: Nicole Podnecky

     I am a senior from Woodstock, VT.  I am majoring in Microbiology and minoring in Molecular Genetics and Chemistry.  I hope to pursue a PhD in molecular biology of some form after graduating from UVM.  Currently I am a research assistant at the Vermont Dept of Health Lab, we’re developing a new way to diagnose whooping cough that will give us much quicker results.

Advisor: Mark Starrett


Fall 2006 Chancellor: Megan Richmond
          My current major is Animal Science, with a direction toward animal research, particularly research involving dairy cows.  As for career goals, I know I want to be doing research in an agricultural field, most likely dairy science.  I have gained such an appreciation for agricultural producers and I want to show that appreciation by researching ways to make farming easier or more profitable but not at the expense of the animals.  I would love to be involved in out-reach programs as well helping other people gain appreciation for the people who work endless hours to provide the food we eat.  I was not involved with 4-H as a child, but I would have loved that opportunity, and I think I would like to be involved with helping 4-H chapters wherever I plan to live and whatever my job may be.