Alpha Zeta Officer Meetings


April 6, 2008

Paddle Painting Wednesday, April 9th and Thursday, April 10th. Come to one of the two 5-7 pm in Room 19 Hills- Pizza and drinks provided. Paint your own paddle and socialize with other AZ members.

Alpha Zeta Initiation Ceremony Saturday, April 19th at 5pm, Waterman Memorial Lounge. Come get formally initiated into Alpha Zeta and receive your pin. Friends and family invited.

Alpha Zeta Dog Wash at the Chittenden Valley Humane Society Saturday, May 3rd from noon- 3pm.Come wash some dogs!  Ben & Jerry’s ice cream provided.  


March 3rd, 2008

March 27th-29th Conference at Ohio State- Let officers know if you’re interested in going!  Get more info at

Friday March 24th Volunteering at the Salvation Army from 4:30-7 (Shifts of several people will be helping serve food and clean dishes. (This is an excellent chance to get involved and participate in a good cause.)  

March 27th-29th Conference at Ohio State- Let officers know if you’re interested in going!  Get more info at

Wednesday and Thursday April 9th and 10th from 5-7pm: Paddle Painting Party for new AZ members (Location to be Determined)

Saturday April 19th from 5-6pm: Initiation Ceremony in Waterman Memorial Lounge

Saturday May 3rd 12 PM – 2PM: Alpha Zeta Dog Wash at the Chittenden Valley Humane Society (Rain date Sunday May 4th)

Note: Remember to check out the Alpha Zeta National Chapter website at for AZ member scholarships available!


Events for Spring 2008

February 28th from 5-6pm: Puerto Rico Presentation, get excited about opportunities within Alpha Zeta

March 27th-29th Conference at Ohio State- Let officers know if you’re interested in going!  Get more info at

Friday March 28th: Possible date for volunteering at the Salvation Army!!

Wednesday and Thursday April 9th and 10th from 5-7pm: Paddle Painting Party for new AZ members

Saturday April 19th from 4-6pm: Initiation Ceremony in either Billings or Waterman Memorial Lounge

Saturday May 3rd: Alpha Zeta Dog Wash at the Chittenden Valley Humane Society (Rain date Sunday May 4th)

Note: Remember to check out the Alpha Zeta National Chapter website at for AZ member scholarships available!


October 14, 2007

Mandatory Event (Everyone MUST participate to be an active AZ member):

Turkey Raffle

Begins: Monday November 5th, 2007

Each member must sell 10 tickets at $1 per ticket

Sell 10 tickets by November 16, 2007

Winner gets a turkey from City Market

Can keep turkey, donate, or not take it


There will be a BIG envelope filled with tickets to sell outside Mark’s office room 005 Hills by Monday November 5th, 2007


Another event:

Saturday November 10, 2007: Cooking at the Ronald McDonald House at 4:45pm

Only 5 members needed


September 7, 2007

CALS Harvest Festival October 6, 2007 from 12pm- 4pm

During Homecoming Weekend

Chop Cabot cheese & pass out

Scoop Ben & Jerry’s ice cream

Give away free apple cider

Sell apple pies for fundraising $$

Spread the word about Alpha Zeta


Turkey Raffle

Turkey donation from Healthy Living or City Market

$1 raffle tickets to win the turkey OR $1 raffle tickets to save the turkey

“Save the turkey”- if you win you can choose not to take the turkey

Everyone buys or sells 10 tickets, only $10 worth


Fundraising Ideas

Bake apple pies with Food and Nutrition Club- split proceeds from Harvest Festival sales

Have a booth at Davis Center & sell apple pies/apple pie slices

Coat or can drive

Serve food around Thanksgiving at a local homeless shelter


Down the road

Ohio Conference

Week after spring break 2008

Meet other AZ chapters

Any member of AZ is encouraged to go

Need to fundraise to get plane tickets

Dean’s Office will match our cash dollar for dollar—we raise $500, they match it $500!!