Officer Elections 2007

Chancellor - President
Mandy Sugrue

Censor - Vice President
Lauren Abda
Ben Fontaine
Dana Notte
Mandy Sugrue

Scribe - Secretary
Marlow Duffy
Mandy Sugrue

Meredith Benson
Supriya Serchan

Chronicler - Historian
Ben Fontaine
Julianne Hillis


Lauren Abda
     My name is Lauren Abda and I am from Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania.  My major is Nutrition and Food Science with a concentration in Pre-med.  I am a Student Ambassador for the Office of Alumni Relations as well as a Student Government Senator.  I stay active by participating in Outing Club trips and the tennis league.  I also work at City Market in downtown Burlington.  After graduating I hope to attend graduate school at New York University and then obtain my Naturopath certification from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.  In the future I hope to pay off my student loans and travel the world.
     I would like to hold the Censor office position because I possess the organization, motivation, and enthusiasm necessary to be an effective leader.  I have the energy needed to motivate those around me and know that I will be dedicated to my roles as Censor.  I believe that involvement in the Alpha Zeta fraternity is a great way to meet new people and positively represent the University of Vermont.  Through the Censor office position I will work to make 2007-2008 a great year for all Alpha Zeta members!


Meredith Benson
     My name is Meredith Benson and I am a Microbiology/Molecular Genetics double major graduating in May 2008.  I am from Portland, Maine. After UVM I hope to attend grad school, get my Ph.D and eventually open up my own lab doing biomedical research focusing on human disease.

     I would like to run for treasurer.  I feel that I have great experience for this job because I was the Finance Chair of CALS Reps in fall 2006 so I am very familiar with the paperwork that must go through the CALS office to handle deposits and reimbursements and I know how to manage a budget.


Marlow Duffy

     My name is Marlow Duffy and I am currently a sophomore here at UVM majoring in Community and International Development with a double major in Dietetics.  I am a member of the Equestrian Team and the Honors College.  I also participate on CALS REPS, and play intramural broomball.  My ultimate career goal is to help fight obesity in the United States, and foster sustainable community practices among residents of wherever I end up living and working.  Most importantly, I wish to enjoy the path I end up traveling along, and live each day to the fullest! I would love to be an active member of Alpha Zeta and hold the office of Scribe.  I am very organized, pay attention to detail, love interacting with people, and wish to be a liaison between Alpha Zeta members and officers.  Being a scribe is not merely attending office meetings and hanging up flyers for events, but entails interacting with each and every member of Alpha Zeta, listening to their concerns and suggestions, and making positive differences that will enhance everyone's experience in Alpha Zeta.


Ben Fontaine
My name is Ben Fontaine and I am running for Alpha Zeta Censor/Chronicler. I am soon to be a senior Biological Science major with a minor in Biochemistry.  I  was inducted to Alpha Zeta in 2006 and have been an active member with the group since then. Currently I am an active member of Tri Beta Bio Honors Society. I volunteer for the BSA Land of Champs Activities Committee, and I work for the Technical Service Program for UVM within Fletcher Allen Health Care.  I am also  a TA for Agri002 Computer foundations for incoming freshman in CALS.  In the past, I have served for the Deans Student Advisory Committee for CALS and I have also been the Commissioner for Mount Norris Scout Reservation for the past two years.  With all of these past and present experiences, I feel that I am a solid candidate for Censor or Chronicler and have the leadership qualities to maintain and improve the quality of Alpha Zeta at UVM.


Julianne Hillis
     My name is Julianne Hillis and I transferred to the University of Vermont at the beginning of last semester from Vermont Technical College in Randolph, VT.  I am from Colchester, VT and am also a commuter.  I have an Associates of Science from VTC in bioscience technology and my current major at UVM is in animal science.  My goals in the future are to finish out my senior year at UVM and go to vet school (hopefully in beautiful Colorado!) and be a small animal general practice veterinarian or small animal surgeon.  I love all things animals, and am very excited to make some new friends through AZ at UVM.
     I am running for the position of Chronicler.  I'd love to become actively involved in AZ, since next year will be my senior year.  I love taking and sharing photos with others.  I'll work to keep the website updated and looking great!


Dana Notte

     I am currently a junior from Rutland, VT majoring in Dietetics and Nutrition and Food Science. After I graduate I plan to complete an accredited dietetic internship and become a registered dietician. I would also like to pursue a master's degree in either public health or nutrition. With my education complete, I want to venture in the community and work primarily with non-profit organizations working towards a healthier country. I have interned with Vermont Department of Health WIC Program, I currently intern with the Campaign to End Childhood Hunger Cooking for Life program, and am also working on a long-term weight loss research study with a professor in the Nutrition and Food Science department. All of these experiences have furthered my interest in the subject and made me even more aware of the nutritional issues our country faces. I am very passionate about what I am studying and very interested in working to improve the nutritional status of our society. 
     Officer Position: I am interested in running for the position of Censor. I am honest, organized, reliable, and most importantly hardworking. I have an honest interest in all activities in which I choose to participate and I believe my dedication to these activities qualifies me for an officer position. I would like the officer position of Censor because it will allow me to work directly with our group but also with CALS and the community. I think that our group can do a lot of great things to benefit the community and I would love to be involved in the organization and execution of those events. I would appreciate your vote for the position of Censor and should I be elected I promise to represent the group and our school to the best of my ability.


Supriya Serchan
     I am a junior, Community Entrepreneurship major from, Burlington Vermont. In future my plan is to collect refugee women and teach them some skills and learn from them as well, sharing the skills everyone has and sell the products we made at Farmer's Market and City Market; all the proceeds will go to women who worked hard and also to the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program (VRRP) in order to help a new family member who just arrived in Vermont. I would like to own a small restaurant and a small vegetable farm.  And also my goal is to pursue a degree, then return back to my country to help people without education. I am also interested in joining NGOs like WHO and CARE in the future in order to help people and motivate them to be more independent and educated. Currently, I am an active member at Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program. I am also a research assistant at Center for Rural Studies at Morill Hall. I assist staff with research work, basic office duties, data entry, and with mail surveys. Apart from that I also assist professors with typing and research, and I also assist grad students in data entry.
      I would like to hold the position of Treasurer because I am very much interested in getting some experience in Accounting. I studied Accounting for 2 years and I never got a chance to apply it in a real world. I think handling all finances including deposits and reimbursement of Alpha Zeta will definitely enhance my memory of accounting. Thank you.


Mandy Sugrue

     My name is Mandy Sugrue, I just transferred to UVM from Northern Virginia.  I am a junior and majoring in Public Communication.  I was born in Peru and grew up in Guatemala with my three older sisters and my two parents.  I have traveled around after high school, took a year off and backpacked through London, Spain, Italy, and France.  Right now I'm a full time student and I work at the Vermont Pub and Brewery part time, and looking forward to see what else Burlington has in store for me. 
     I think I would be a good candidate as an officer for Alpha Zeta because I have always loved being part of volunteer events.  I was the Vice President of Phi Theta Kappa at my college back in Virginia, and put together many events like the ones planned for Alpha Zeta.  I was in charge of putting together a Thanksgiving dinner at a homeless shelter, running a coat drive, running toys for tots on our campus, and was a team leader for our campus Relay for Life event.  These are activities I enjoy working on, and hope that I can be a part of putting more events together at UVM.  I am interested in any position that people would want me to represent, except the treasurer because I should have no part in any position that has to do with math.