Officer Elections 2006

Chancellor - President
Megan Richmond

Censor - Vice President
Beth Donoghue

Scribe - Secretary
Lacey Mae LaBonte

Chronicler - Historian
Nicole Podnecky

Nathaniel Moore


Beth Donoghue
My major is animal science, with a pre-veterinary concentration. I hope to take the experience I've gained at UVM to a veterinary college, where I hope to study both small animal medicine as well as ruminant medicine. Ideally, I'd like to work in an environment that would allow me to work with both small domestic animals as well as ruminants.

I would like to hold the position of censor because I would like to be involved in the organization of AZ events, and help to make events as fun and enriching as possible. I have been involved in other groups in  administrative, treasurer, and secretarial capacities and would like to use this knowledge and experience to help run AZ. I will definitely have the time and desire to devote time to AZ, and hope to help this coming year be one of the best yet!


Lacey Mae LaBonte

I am a junior, Dietetics major from Wilmington, Vermont.  I am pre-med and plan to get my RD (Registered Dietitian) before going on to medical school.  I would like to eventually have my own private practice as an MD/RD.  I am running for office because I would like to be more involved in Alpha Zeta.  I have been a member of the Food and Nutrition club for three years now and found that I got the most out of my experience when I was an officer.  I want to be the Chronicler because I love taking pictures.


Nathaniel Moore

I am from Canandaigua, NY and I'll be a senior in Biological Sciences next year. Currently I am co-director of Alternative Spring Break, a Student Ambassador for the Office of Alumni Relations, a Backcountry Wilderness Leader in UVM Outing Club  and have been an Orientation Leader during the past two summers for the Office of Orientation and Parent Relations. Although I will have a busy schedule next year, I wish to contribute to the Green Mountain Chapter of Alpha Zeta and hold a leadership position.  I feel I will be able to carry out the duties of the Treasurer while still maintaining my responsibilities with Alternative Spring Break. Thanks for your consideration!


Nicole Podnecky

School Stuff:
Major: Microbiology
Minors: Molecular Genetics and Chemistry
Career Goals:  I hope to pursue a PhD in Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, or Epidemiology after graduating from UVM.  Currently I am a research assistant at the VT Dept. of Health Lab, we’re developing a new way to diagnose Whooping Cough!
Why Choose Me?
Experience:  I am a very organized, I have a lot of experience doing web design, I love photography and taking pictures, I used to work in the UVM darkroom. 
Goals:  I think I can make the AZ webpage more user-friendly and a cool site to visit, and I would do a great job of capturing moments to be remembered at all of AZ’s activities next year.


Megan Richmond

My current major is Animal Science, with a direction toward animal research, particularly research involving dairy cows.  As for career goals, I know I want to be doing research in an agricultural field, most likely dairy science.  I have gained such an appreciation for agricultural producers and I want to show that appreciation by researching ways to make farming easier or more profitable but not at the expense of the animals.   I would love to be involved in out-reach programs as well helping other people gain appreciation for the people who work endless hours to provide the food we eat.   I was not involved with 4-H as a child, but I would have loved that opportunity, and I think I would like to be involved with helping 4-H chapters wherever I plan to live and whatever my job may be.

I am interested in both agriculture and science, exactly what this fraternity represents.   I would like the opportunity to broaden my involvement, along with offering other people that same opportunity through the fraternity of CALS, Alpha Zeta.  I think this honor society has so much potential, and that we can do more for the community than an Emergency Food Shelf, Burlington's Green-Up Day and two dog washes to benefit the Humane Society of Chittenden County.   Many people are in the fraternity, but do not do any events. I strongly believe that there are not enough events offered, nor are they advertised that well.   I would personally like to see the fraternity get more involved with agriculture related events, since we are technically the “leaders for the world of agriculture”.     Shelburne Farms is always looking for volunteers to help them with activities, and I think that would be a good opportunity for Alpha Zeta to get involved with agriculture a little more, from helping with pumpkin picking to helping with their sheep open house.     I know I joined Alpha Zeta because I thought it would do more activities with agriculture, and I was disappointed when the only event I really heard of was the dog wash, and I do not really like dogs.   I would like to see the Alpha Zeta have more activities and a greater variety of activities to interest more members to participate.  I would also like to have meetings. It gets people more involved and ideas can be shared for both activities and fundraising events.   I think a monthly meeting will help people feel more involved and get the members doing more activities because they will be more aware of them, and because they will be involved with planning them.    I know so many people who are in Alpha Zeta and did nothing.  I want Alpha Zeta to offer people more than just another line on their resume, and I think by getting more members involved in the planning of events, that more members will participate in them.