Academic Computing Services

The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers. - Richard Hamming, 1962 ...

Yesterday ...

Welcome to the University of Vermont Academic Computing Services World Wide Web server. Academic Computing has been a thriving tradition at the University for more than a quarter of a century, ever since the days of the IBM 1620, memorialized in the IBM punch card image.

Today, academic computing extends across the University, the state, and the whole planet. This web anchors a number of academically oriented web pages and projects based at UVM. Here's a sampling ...

... Today ...

... Tomorrow

If we knew what we were doing,
it wouldn't be called research ...

If you have a project you would like to include in our web, or would like more information about Fortran, Academic Computing, the Web, or the emerging Global University, please drop a note to,

Last updated: August 3rd, 1995.

||       | Stephen J. Cavrak, Jr.          Internet: Steve.Cavrak@Uvm.Edu
 |*     |  Assistant Director for          Phone: 802-656-1483
 |     /   Academic Computing Services     Fax: 802-656-8429
 |    |    University of Vermont
 |   |     Burlington, Vermont 05405