Data Sets
Course Notes
R Software

Stat 3880 - Statistical Learning

Richard Single

Location: T/TH at 2:50 - 4:05 in Waterman 401.

Text:An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R (1st Edition) by James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani
(You can download a PDF copy of the text at the link above)

Prerequisites: STAT 3210

NOTE: I will make minimal use of Brightspace. I will use it to post and collect HW solutions, but I will not use it for any other purpose.

NOTE2: You will be turning in classwork at the end of most classes. This will be graded on a 0-2 scale (0=no real work; 1=a minimal attempt; 2=an honest attempt). In most cases you will submit this as a PDF file at, but ocassionally I will collect a hard copy on paper. If you are excused from class ahead of class time, you will be allowed to submit your classwork by the end of the day at the above URL.

NOTE3: Scanning to PDF: Below are links to the two apps for scanning to a PDF file (Genius-Scan, or CamScanner). You must use one of these since they have been vetted by UVM's IT group and work well. Other scanners have been problematic. If there is an issue with you scan and you are not using one of these two, you will not receive credit.

The basic version of each one is free.

Once you download the app of your choice, be sure that you are able to scan multiple pages into a single PDF file. You can transfer the scan to your computer (if needed) via email, ftp, dropbox, onedrive, ... You may not need to if you want to upload directly from a phone/tablet. In Genius-Scan you just take 2 (or more) picture/scans in a row with the app and they are included in the single PDF file that is created. Medium (even low) resolution is usually fine - and easier to deal with. If you write very lightly on your papers in pencil you may need to press down harder.