Dance Your PhD LIVE experiment

Thursday   |   May 14th   |   12 p.m. (event will last about 45-50 minutes)
Location: Stafford Hall 101 University of Vermont

Experiment Finished!
Thank YOU for your participation.

Check the following websites for the results on Friday May 5th:
And the full data set will be available at

We invite you to participate in a live experiment related to the Dance your PhD contest.   It consists of you being part of an audience that will watch four dance videos. You will be asked to write down your best guess matching each dance to the science that inspired it.


1. Watch high quality videos of the 4 professional dances inspired by the science (10 min. each).
2. Match the dances with the summary of the research article that inspired the dances.

GOAL: To answer the question: When art is based on science, can you recognize the science?

WHEN: Thursday May 14th. 12 p.m. (event will last about 45-50 minutes)
WHERE: Stafford Hall 101 Auditorium. University of Vermont
PREPARATION: JUST PEN OR PENCIL. No need to read or watch anything beforehand.

  • In order not to bias the results, please avoid watching the winning dances or read too much on the subject on the web.
  • We expect a full house, so please come early.

We will have a "high quality" viewing medium and sound. For those who will not be able to attend, we will create an online version on the week of May 11-15 (you can also submit your guesses through the Science website, but we ask that you use ours as we would like to compare our UVM population). Any questions please email

For more information you can see the Science article. If you plan on coming, we request that you avoid watching or reading too much as spontaneity is important in this experiment.

Last year Science magazine organized the Dance your PhD dance contest. These were the RULES of the contest. The 4 winning scientists (one for each category of undergraduate, graduate, postdoc and faculty) were then paired with professional choreographers and dancers to create a dance based on peer-reviewed scientific research.

As part of an effort started by AAAS, we will hold a live experiment with professional quality video and sound at the University of Vermont on Thursday, May14 at 12 p.m. on Stafford Hall 101:

In a past year a former UVM undergraduate won the contest for the dance on his thesis: "Refitting repasts: a spatial exploration of food processing, cooking, sharing and disposal at the Dunefield Midden campsite, South Africa" (University of Oxford).


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